Investigation into outsourcing of tertiary sector employment LO: To learn why many TNC’s have outsourced their call centres abroad. Fact: TNCs control a substantial part of the global economy and have created a GLOBAL SHIFT.
STARTER Lfow Sgdoo Cpiltaa ndyrsceao Unravel these and match to the correct definition and write them into your book Lfow Sgdoo Cpiltaa ndyrsceao Products that can be traded and moved physically from place to place An employment sector, involving manufacturing goods movement Money used to purchase goods LO: To Learn an example of a TNC in the TERTIARY SECTOR to show how it operates in different parts of the world.
Task: Discuss with your partner – 1 minute Since the 1990’s many companies have moved their call centre operations to countries where the wages are lower. call centres deal with services as; Internet banking Airline booking Help lines Credit card billing. Task: Discuss with your partner – 1 minute 1) What is a call centre? 2) Why do you think some people refer to this movement of jobs as a GLOBAL SHIFT Popular destinations for outsourcing include: LO: To Learn an example of a TNC in the TERTIARY SECTOR to show how it operates in different parts of the world. Outsourcing This happens when a job is given to a company overseas that was formerly done at home. This can happen due to the advances in technology and communications. LO: To Learn an example of a TNC in the TERTIARY SECTOR to show how it operates in different parts of the world.
A Geographical Mystery Why has Dilip, who lives in Bangalore, changed his name to David? Task: Read through the statements Answer the questions by considering and sorting the information on the statements. Try to look for links between the statements. What has happened in the UK? Why has Dilip decided to work in a call centre? What does Dilip need to learn to help him become David? Using at least 6 different pieces of information from the statements, write a detailed explanation as to why Dilip has become David. LO: To Learn an example of a TNC in the TERTIARY SECTOR to show how it operates in different parts of the world.
What would it be like to work here? What does the artist of the cartoon think about outsourcing? LO: To Learn an example of a TNC in the TERTIARY SECTOR to show how it operates in different parts of the world.