INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CHANGING OUR MINDSET! INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Environment Protection and Energy Efficiency – Practices, opportunities, actions – Prishtina 20 – 21 October 2008 Gabriele Becker GTZ 08.09.2018
Some questions… How can we respond to our obvious challenges? How can we start to envision our desired future? How to organize such a long-term strategic orientation process? Who needs to be on board in order to make the process a success? 08.09.2018
What is the starting point? There is a growing understanding of the importance of improvement of the environment on the local and global level A number of municipalities already implement energy efficiency measures There is a growing expertise and knowledge in the country There is a national strategy and action plans Kosova has the advantage to learn faster building on the experiences of others 08.09.2018
What is the starting point? cont. Legal framework needs improvement Cooperation / interplay between different stakeholders is weak or not even existing Use of renewable energies – an almost untouched area The different activities are not integrated into a concept Far-reaching objectives and strategies are missing or an exception 08.09.2018
How do we want to live in 2030? What is the impact of the decisions that we take today? How to plan today for tomorrow?
What development is foreseeable? Increase of energy prices Increasing pressure to reduce CO2 Emissions Increasing demand for energy and increasing consumption of energy Technical innovations will enhance the potential for decentralized energy systems and the use of RE Changing lifestyle Demographic changes (?) Economic development 08.09.2018
Where are we going? 08.09.2018
How to get started? Establishment of a platform for discussion, planning and knowledge management to… …engage the different stakeholders …develop of a common vision …unpack the vision into concrete actions …learn from experiences …to network and partner with others 08.09.2018
Professional Forum Energy Moderator Public Services Town Planning Platform for a municipal Energy Strategy AMK Public Utilities Science KEK NGOs Energy Manager Private Sector 08.09.2018
Elements of a municipal energy strategy Horizontal integration Objectives Implementation Critiera for decision making Measures and instruments Consideration of all relevant topics Integration of all relevant stakeholders Checking of all technical options 08.09.2018
Conclusions With a strategy for municipal energy policies: Municipalities are able to open up new financial means Activities in municipalities will encourage and mobilize the public The scope of action of municipalities will increase Partnerships and networks will be strengthened It promotes exchange of information, knowledge and expertise 08.09.2018
“Nobody can look into the future, but… …we can invent it” Albert Einstein 08.09.2018