Presented by Catrina Christian and Julie Luckenbach Moulage Presented by Catrina Christian and Julie Luckenbach
What is it? mou·lage (noun \mü-ˈläzh\) the art of applying mock injuries for the purpose of simulating a real-world experience for emergency medical training
How Moulage is used today Moulage is used primarily in training for medical personnel, military teams and predominately those in emergency medical services (EMS) such as emergency medical technicians (EMT) and paramedics (medic). Lamorinda CERT uses moulage to replicate a disaster situation for our grads to practice their newly learned skills in the Basic Training CERT class series drill and other exercises.
Schkin In a large bowl, mix together: 3 TBS petroleum jelly ½ cup + 1 tsp or more cornstarch ¼ tsp to 3 tsp cocoa powder You don't want it too sticky or too dry. You can start out mixing it with a spatula, but eventually will need to put on rubber gloves and get your hands in it to get it mixed all the way through. It is easier to clean up with paper towels, first, then try and wash your hands with soap and water.
Road Rash/Scrapes Use red and black makeup feathered along the wound site. Coagulated blood or stippled blood can be used for a realistic effect. Petrolem jelly can be added to simulate puss. Dirt or ash added in can mimic asphalt.
Bruising Apply bright red makeup to the area with a sponge or brush. On top of that press in blue makeup with a sponge and blend to create redish/purplish bruises. Have victim role play that area as being tender or painful to the touch.
Lacerations Use prepared “schkin” and form into the shape of wound that you would like to create. Place on victim and feather out the schkin so that it sticks to the area of injury. Using either a brush or sponge, apply red makeup to the schkin blending into the victim’s real skin. Dab blue makeup with a sponge or brush to create a bruising affect. With a popsicle stick or edge, cut through the schkin to make a laceration. Separate the edges of the laceration and drip fake blood into the wound. Let drip.
Impalements Follow the steps for making a laceration. You can use coagulated or thick blood along the edges of the laceration. Cut a piece of plastic into the shape of a glass shard. Place “glass” into the laceration. Follow with lots of fake blood.
Broken Bones Similar to lacerations and impalements, broken bones are created starting with schkin formed and blended into the victim’s skin. Add red and blue makeup to the area to simulate bruising. Using a blunt object or popsicle stick, create the gash for the bone to protrude. A bleached and cleaned chicken bone or clay-made bone is then stuck into the schkin. Add blood.
Death/Shock Using a sponge or your fingers, apply white cream makeup to the exposed skin of the victim. Blend in black makeup under the eyes. Apply blue makeup to the lips and earlobes.
Burns and Blisters Apply bright red makeup to the area. Using glue, apply a thin to medium layer and let dry. Use a blunt tool or your fingers to pick and tear pieces of the glue to simulate peeling skin. Apply black and more red makeup to the dried glue. Use black especially around the torn pieces. With a syringe, squirt petroleum jelly underneath the glue in pockets to create blisters.
Burns and Blisters (cont.)
Gun Shots Use schkin to create a crater simulating a bullet entrance wound. Feather out the schkin to blend in with the victim’s skin. Apply red makeup to the area using a sponge or brush. Dap blue makeup to create some bruising. Add fake blood. Exit wounds can be created using oatmeal (simulates bone fragments), makeup and blood.
Gun Shot entrance and exit wounds
Gun Shots (more pictures)
Your Turn! Bruising Cuts Broken bones/Impalements Death/Shock Burns Gunshot wounds