802-11 WG Technical Editor’s Report July 2004 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/005r5 July 2004 802-11 WG Technical Editor’s Report July 2004 Plenary Meeting Terry Cole, AMD Report (WG technical editor status will be reported all this year with revisions of this same document number) IEEE 802.11-04/005r5 Terry Cole, AMD Terry Cole, AMD
July 2004 Publication 802.11i Our goal will to be publish by July 24 On track 802.11h A IEEE staff errata is being published Correct a font error that turned micro-seconds seconds. Some cross references are being corrected. No other drafts require attention before next meeting Terry Cole, AMD
Internationalization July 2004 Internationalization ISO/IEC drafts ISO/IEC version of 802.11-1999 (2003 edition) The 8802-11 DIS ballot closed 10 May internationally; The ballot has satisfied criteria for approval, and there is one no voter. The Secretariat has not yet spelled out the process to be followed in this case. Robin Tasker expects to chair a comment resolution meeting, expects that meeting to be definitive, and expects publication to proceed afterward. We thank Robin Tasker for continuing effort in IEC. 802.11g and 802.11h have been submitted for Fast Track Motion needed to be ready to submit 802.11i by July 24 We can expect the 6 month two-stage ballot processes each to begin as soon as the Secretariat can practically manage. Terry Cole, AMD
July 2004 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/005r5 March 2003 Motion Move to submit 802.11i for ISO Fast Track approval through the UK national body. Robin Tasker has volunteered to make the submission, and Terry Cole will be the project editor. 802.11: Cole/______ ___ ___:___:___ Terry Cole, AMD Terry Cole, AMD