Bullying Learning Objective: To consolidate our learning on the issue of bullying. I can demonstrate the attribute of pride in my work. I can creatively present my learning on bullying. I can give helpful feedback on people’s work.
A quick recap Play rock, paper, scissors with the person next to you. If you win you get to decide who has to spend 1 minute talking about our learning on friendship and bullying over the last three lessons. Before students start their creative project ask them to recap what they have learnt in this unit on friendship and bullying. Get students into pairs and ask them to play rock, paper, scissors. The winner gets to decide who has to speak for 1 minute about what they have learnt. Timer in on the link. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=million+pound+drop+countdown
Your work should include the following: This is a House Competition! Get Creative! You are going to create a leaflet or poster that could be shown in Pupil Support about bullying. Your work should include the following: What bullying is Different types of bullying (verbal, physical, cyber) How bullying makes people feel Where to go for help and support Advice to people who are being bullied, e.g. encouragement Why bullying needs to be stopped and how we all have a responsibility to ensure it doesn’t happen in our school This is a House Competition! At the end of the lesson your teacher is going to give the best bullying posters/leaflets to Miss Bullivant to be entered into a House Competition.
Bullying Learning Objective: To consolidate our learning on the issue of bullying. I can demonstrate the attribute of pride in my work. I can creatively present my learning on bullying. I can give helpful feedback on people’s work.
I particularly enjoyed… Poster Gallery Display your poster on your desk ready for people to come and take a look! Place a post it note next to your work. When people move around the room they are going to write on your post it note things they enjoyed about your work and what makes it successful. I thought that … was really successful I particularly enjoyed…
Bullying Learning Objective: To consolidate our learning on the issue of bullying. I can demonstrate the attribute of pride in my work. I can creatively present my learning on bullying. I can give helpful feedback on people’s work.