Succession Planning DGN Charles Johnson
Succession Planning PETS Rotary Districts 9455 and 9465 Charles Johnson DGN District 9455 Saturday 22 April 2017
Succession Planning in Club Development One of the most important jobs of a Club President and the Board Future focus –part of Club Development Annual leadership changes provide opportunities for members to take on new roles. Must be a positive process Thinking ahead will help ensure that there are enough volunteers to fill new leadership positions each year. Club Visioning and Strategic Planning Succession Planning Membership Growth and Retention
Things that you and your Board could do Work hard to deliver an experience that will keep members excited about Rotary. Engage current members through: Keeping members involved in club projects and activities Develop a mentoring program Encourage them to serve on committees that suit their skills or interests Get regular feedback to confirm that they are experiencing the benefits they were promised.
Things that you and your Board could do Club leaders can help to find their own successors Train and support future leaders by helping them to participate in District events (Rotary Institute, District Conference, District Assembly, other training) Help members understand Club leadership roles and get involved early in the transition process. Conduct on-the-job training for incoming club officers.
Things that you and your Board could do Making appointments to committees for multiple years; Concept of making a three year contribution. Having current and incoming Chairs for each committee; Work on having on an ongoing basis a president-elect, president-nominee Current club president working closely with the president-elect, president-nominee, and immediate past president.