Pedagogical Professional Students’s career education is carried out in two ways: Pedagogical Professional Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
Pedagogical The aim is to teach students how to study efficiently in order to improve their capacity. Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
Professional The aim is to define students’ abilities and interests to help them learn about professions to help them choose the professions which are suitable for their abilities and interests to give them necessary information they will need while applying a job. Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
Who gives career education? Schools Provincial Directorate For National Education. Public Employment Office Career Planning Association Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
Students’ Career Education At Schools Activities are done to support students’ professional development from nursery schools to high schools . Councellors are responsible for career education at schools. They coordinate all the activities and they lead class teachers who do the activities in class. Parents are informed about the process and students’ professional development. Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
In nursery schools The aim is to raise awareness of jobs among students and help them realize the difference between jobs by means of games and drama activities. Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
In primary schools Students are informed about jobs. Teachers invite people who have different jobs to classes. With drama activities, teachers help students to discover the jobs. Some questionnaires and scales are conducted to help students to realize their abilities and interests Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
In lower secondary schools Some questionnaires and scales are conducted in order to define students’ abilities and interests. Students visit high schools to learn more about them in order to decide which high school to go. High schools visit lower secondary schools to present their schools to help students decide which high school to go. Students prepare CV and career planning folder Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
In lower secondary schools All these activities aim to ensure students to learn about high schools and jobs in order to decide on a suitable high school and job for their abilities and interests. At the end of the Lower Secondary Schools students take a national exam called TEOG. According to results of this exam they can choose the high school they want to go. Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
In lower secondary schools They can chose one of these schools according to their career plan. Anatolian High Schools Science High Schools Social Science High Schools Fine Arts High Schools İndustrial Vocational High Schools Medical Vocational High School Religious Vocational High School Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
In lower secondary schools Trade Vocational High School Vocational High School of Justice Vocational High School of Tourism Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
In lower secondary schools Those who don’t want to go to a high school can attend Apprenticeship Training Center where they work for three days of the week and study at schools for two days of the week. Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
Career Education In High Schools Students take general education for the first two years of High school. Then they choose the field they want to study. Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
Career Education In High Schools In high schools students learn about; how to write a CV, what to do in a job interview, the universities in Turkey and abroad. the importance of job experience in finding job and being successful in a job national and international job opportunities. subjects and field they should study at university in order to find the job they want Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
Career Education In High Schools In order to enable students to realize their abilities and interests and to evaluate these abilities and interests in terms of finding job and being successful in a job, these tests and scales are conducted. 1) Academic Self-Concept Scale 2) Operating Characters Testing Scale 3) Self Assestment Tests 4) Professional Maturity Tests Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
Provincial Directorate For National Education Career Academy A project funded by South Marmara Development Agency (GMK) is being carried out by Balıkesir Provincial Directorate For National Education. The aim of the project is to help 4500 final year students to shape their goals, to provide them with career development and help them to choose a profession which fits their abilities and interests. Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
Provincial Directorate For National Education Career Academy In order to achieve this aim they will open a Career Counselling Center. 25 counsellors who will be trained as career councellors will work in this center. Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
Public Employment Office Public Employment Office which helps people to find a job and helps companies to find empleyees has a career education department. They aim to introduce professions to high school students and help them to choose a job which is suitable for their abilities and interests. Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
Career Planning Association Counsellor, teachers, Academician, Managers and Professionals work for this association. They help primary, secondary and high school students with career planning. They make projects to enable students to learn more about jobs and to choose the right job for their abilities and interests. Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
Career Planning Association Before the university entrance exam they help students to choose the right university. They also educate teachers and other people about career planning and counselling. Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. Confucius Project No. 2015-1-LVO2-KA205-000609