From: Trichromatic reconstruction from the interleaved cone mosaic: Bayesian model and the color appearance of small spots Journal of Vision. 2008;8(5):15. doi:10.1167/8.5.15 Figure Legend: Basic data from Hofer, Singer, et al. (2005). (Top panels) Schematics of retinal mosaics used for the 5 observers. These are subsets of the full regions characterized for each observer. For each observer, the imaging and densitometry data were insufficient to assign a class or exact location to some cones. These parameters were filled in according to the procedure described by Hofer, Singer, et al. (2005). In the schematics, L cones are colored red, M cones green, and S cones blue. L:M ratios of mosaics used: HS 1:3.1; YY 1.2:1; AP 1.3:1; MD 1.6:1, BS, 14.7:1. These ratios differ slightly from those provided by Hofer, Singer, et al. because here we report the ratios for the subregions of the mosaic used in our model rather than the ratio from the larger mosaic regions studied by Hofer, Singer, et al. (Bottom panel) The bar plot shows the color naming data for each observer. Each bar represents performance for one observer. The proportion of the bar depicted in each color provides the percent of the corresponding color name used by that observer, for detected spots that were namable. From bottom to top of each bar, the possible color names are red, orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green, blue, purple, and white. Data averaged over 500-, 550-, and 600-nm spots and correspond to the intensity of 50% seeing for each observer. Data replotted from Hofer, Singer, et al. (2005). Date of download: 12/23/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.