Plants flower bud stem leaf roots 1 bud 5 stem leaf 2 4 Name and spell each part of the plant. roots 3 Produced by W Pallant 2
Why do plants have leaves? Leaves make food for the plant. Slides 2 to 6 are about leaves. Slide 6 is the full text. Previous slides build up a sentence at a time. Produced by W Pallant 3
Why do plants have leaves? Leaves make food for the plant. The sun shines on each leaf.
Why do plants have leaves? Leaves make food for the plant. The sun shines on each leaf. Sunlight gives the leaf energy to make the food.
Why do plants have leaves? Leaves make food for the plant. The sun shines on each leaf. Sunlight gives the leaf energy to make the food. The food is made from water, soil and air.
Why do plants have leaves? Leaves make food for the plant. The sun shines on each leaf. Sunlight gives the leaf energy to make the food. The food is made from water, soil and air. This is called photosynthesis.
Why do plants have roots? All plants with flowers have roots.
Why do plants have roots? All plants with flowers have roots. The roots grow down into the soil.
Why do plants have roots? All plants with flowers have roots. The roots grow down into the soil. Roots help the plant stand up.
Why do plants have roots? All plants with flowers have roots. The roots grow down into the soil. Roots help the plant stand up. Roots stop the wind from blowing the plant over.
Why do plants have roots? All plants with flowers have roots. The roots grow down into the soil. Roots help the plant stand up. Roots stop the wind from blowing the plant over. Roots take in water and nutrients from the soil.
What is the stem’s job? All plants have stems.
What is the stem’s job? All plants have stems. Stems grow up into the air and towards the light.
What is the stem’s job? All plants have stems. Stems grow up into the air and towards the light. The leaves and flowers are on the stem. It holds the plant up.
What is the stem’s job? All plants have stems. Stems grow up into the air and towards the light. The leaves and flowers are on the stem. It holds the plant up. Stems take water and food to the leaves and flowers.
What about flowers? Flowers are made of petals.
What about flowers? Flowers are made of petals.
What about flowers? Flowers are made of petals. Petals attract insects to the flower with their bright colors for pollination.
What about flowers? Flowers are made of petals. When flowers get pollinated, they can make seeds. A seed contains a tiny embryo of a new plant. They are the reproductive part. .
The life cycle of a plant Roots grow from a seed.
The life cycle of a plant Roots grow from a seed. Leaves start to grow.
The life cycle of a plant Roots grow from a seed. Leaves start to grow. More leaves grow. Flower buds appear.
The life cycle of a plant Roots grow from a seed. Leaves start to grow. More leaves grow. Flower buds appear. The flowers open.
The life cycle of a plant Plants The life cycle of a plant The petals die. The flowers make a fruit with seeds inside. Slides 7 to 11 are about roots. Slide 11 is the whole text. Previous slides build up on sentence at a time. Produced by W Pallant 25
The life cycle of a plant The petals die. The flowers make a fruit with seeds inside. The fruit dries and falls. Then a new plant will grow.
About seeds The fruit breaks open. The seeds fall. The wind blows the plant and the seeds fall out.
About seeds dandelion Some seeds have wings. They fly through the air for a long way. Some seeds have parachutes. The wind blows the seeds away.
About seeds Animals help disperse some seeds.
(Draw a line to connect each part to its function on your worksheet.) What is their job? (Draw a line to connect each part to its function on your worksheet.) make food from light, air and water. Petals Stems Leaves Roots Flowers get water and nutrients from soil. help the plant stand up. attract insects. take food and water to the leaves make seeds.
What is their job? make food from light, air and water. Petals Stems Leaves Roots Flowers get water and nutrients from soil. help the plant stand up. attract insects. take food and water to the leaves make seeds.
What is their job? make food from light, air and water. Petals Stems Leaves Roots Flowers get water and nutrients from soil. help the plant stand up. attract insects. take food and water to the leaves make seeds.
What is their job? make food from light, air and water. Petals Stems Leaves Roots Flowers get water and nutrients from soil. help the plant stand up. attract insects. take food and water to the leaves make seeds.
What is their job? make food from light, air and water. Petals Stems Leaves Roots Flowers get water and nutrients from soil. help the plant stand up. attract insects. take food and water to the leaves make seeds.
What is their job? make food from light, air and water. Petals Stems Leaves Roots Flowers get water and nutrients from soil. help the plant stand up. attract insects. take food and water to the leaves make seeds.
Click the link below to learn more. Plants in Motion Do plants move? No. But they can respond to stimuli (something that causes action) in their environments. Click the link below to learn more.
Extensions Complete these Scholastic Study Jams about Plants. Plant Adaptations Photosynthesis Roots and Stems