Basics of the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations


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Presentation transcript:

Basics of the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations Stephen Duall Chief, Satellite Policy Branch Satellite Division, International Bureau, FCC Presentation to the Commercial Smallsat Spectrum Management Association

U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations Found at Section 2.106 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations (47 CFR § 2.106) U.S.Table is available online at Also available on the FCC website at All CFR available online via GPO at

The International Table of Frequency Allocations is subdivided into the Region 1 Table (column 1), the Region 2 Table (column 2), and the Region 3 Table (column 3). The International Table is included for informational purposes only. The U.S. Table is subdivided into the Federal Table of Frequency Allocations (Federal Table, column 4 of § 2.106) and the non-Federal Table of Frequency Allocations (non-Federal Table, column 5 of § 2.106). If a frequency or frequency band has been allocated to a radiocommunication service in the non-Federal Table, then a cross reference may be added for the pertinent FCC Rule part (column 6). The FCC Rule parts are not allocations and are provided for informational purposes only. Information in Table is for demonstration purposes only; may not be accurate or up-to-date

U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations The United States Table is based on the Region 2 Table because the relevant area of jurisdiction is located primarily in Region 2 (i.e., the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Caribbean insular areas, and some of the Pacific insular areas). The Federal Table is administered by NTIA and the non-Federal Table is administered by the FCC In the United States, radio spectrum may be allocated to either Federal or non- Federal use exclusively, or for shared use. In the case of shared use, the type of service(s) permitted need not be the same [e.g., Federal FIXED, non-Federal MOBILE]. The terms used to designate categories of services and allocations in columns 4 and 5 of § 2.106 correspond to the terms in the ITU Radio Regulations.

U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations Any segment of the radio spectrum may be allocated to the Federal and/or non-Federal sectors either on an exclusive or shared basis for use by one or more radio services. In the case where an allocation has been made to more than one service, such services are listed in the following order: Services, the names of which are printed in “CAPITALS” [example: FIXED]; these are called “primary” services; Services, the names of which are printed in “normal characters” [example: Mobile]; these are called “secondary” services. Stations of a secondary service: Shall not cause harmful interference to stations of primary services to which frequencies are already assigned or to which frequencies may be assigned at a later date; Cannot claim protection from harmful interference from stations of a primary service to which frequencies are already assigned or may be assigned at a later date; and Can claim protection, however, from harmful interference from stations of the same or other secondary service(s) to which frequencies may be assigned at a later date

The frequency band referred to in each allocation (column 4 for Federal operations and column 5 for non-Federal operations) is indicated in the left-hand top corner of the column. If there is no service or footnote indicated for a band of frequencies in column 4, then the Federal sector has no access to that band except as provided for by § 2.103. If there is no service or footnote indicated for a band of frequencies in column 5, then the non-Federal sector has no access to that band except as provided for by § 2.102. When the Federal Table and the non-Federal Table are exactly the same for a shared band, the line between columns 4 and 5 is deleted and the allocations are shown once. In the case where there is a parenthetical addition to an allocation in the United States Table [example: FIXED-SATELLITE (space-to-earth)], that service allocation is restricted to the type of operation so indicated. Information in Table is for demonstration purposes only; may not be accurate or up-to-date

Footnotes: Any footnote number consisting of “5.” followed by one or more digits, e.g., 5.53, denotes an international footnote. Any footnote consisting of the letters “US” followed by one or more digits, e.g., US7, denotes a stipulation affecting both Federal and non-Federal operations. United States footnotes appear in both the Federal Table and the non-Federal Table. Any footnote consisting of the letters “NG” followed by one or more digits, e.g., NG2, denotes a stipulation applicable only to non-Federal operations. Non-Federal footnotes appear solely in the non-Federal Table (column 5). Any footnote consisting of the letters “G” followed by one or more digits, e.g., G2, denotes a stipulation applicable only to Federal operations. Federal footnotes appear solely in the Federal Table (column 4). Information in Table is for demonstration purposes only; may not be accurate or up-to-date

U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations Compliance with the U.S. Table is mandatory 47 CFR § 2.102: Except as otherwise provided in this section, the assignment of frequencies and bands of frequencies to all stations and classes of stations and the licensing and authorizing of the use of all such frequencies between 9 kHz and 275 GHz, and the actual use of such frequencies for radiocommunication or for any other purpose, including the transfer of energy by radio, shall be in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations in § 2.106.

U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations Exception for non-Federal operations: On the condition that harmful interference will not be caused to services operating in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations the following exceptions may be authorized: In individual cases the Commission may, without rule making proceedings, authorize on a temporary basis only, the use of frequencies not in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations for projects of short duration or emergencies where the Commission finds that important or exceptional circumstances require such utilization. Such authorizations are not intended to develop a service to be operated on frequencies other than those allocated such service. Experimental stations, pursuant to part 5 of this chapter, may be authorized the use of any frequency or frequency band not exclusively allocated to the passive services (including the radio astronomy service). In the event a band is reallocated so as to delete its availability for use by a particular service, the Commission may provide for the further interim use of the band by stations in that service for a temporary, specific period of time.

U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations Non-Federal stations may be authorized to use Federal frequencies in the bands above 25 MHz if the Commission finds, after consultations with the appropriate Federal agency or agencies, that such use is necessary for coordination of Federal and non-Federal activities, provided that: Non-Federal operation on Federal frequencies shall conform with the conditions agreed upon by the Commission and NTIA Such operations shall be in accordance with NTIA rules governing the service to which the frequencies involved are allocated; Such operations shall not cause harmful interference to Federal stations and, should harmful interference result, that the interfering non-Federal operation shall immediately terminate; and Non-Federal operation has been certified as necessary by the Federal agency involved and this certification has been furnished, in writing, to the non-Federal licensee with which communication is required.

U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations Definitions of Services (47 CFR § 2.1 ). Examples: Fixed-Satellite Service. A radiocommunication service between earth stations at given positions, when one or more satellites are used; the given position may be a specified fixed point or any fixed point within specified areas; in some cases this service includes satellite-to-satellite links, which may also be operated in the inter-satellite service; the fixed-satellite service may also include feeder links for other space radiocommunication services. (RR) Mobile-Satellite Service. A radiocommunication service: (1) Between mobile earth stations and one or more space stations, or between space stations used by this service; or (2) Between mobile earth stations by means of one or more space stations. Space Operation Service. A radiocommunication service concerned exclusively with the operation of spacecraft, in particular space tracking, space telemetry, and space telecommand. These functions will normally be provided within the service in which the space station is operating. (RR) Look also at Part 25 definitions (47 CFR § 25.103)

U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations Example: 8025-8400 MHz No Non-Federal allocation Multiple Federal allocations Subject to Footnote US258: “In the bands 8025-8400 MHz and 25,5-27 GHz, the Earth exploration- satellite service (space-to-Earth) is allocated on a primary basis for non-Federal use. Authorizations are subject to a case-by-case electromagnetic compatibility analysis.”

FCC Part 25 Processing Procedures First-Come, First-Served for “GSO-like” systems (47 CFR § 25.158) “GSO-like satellite system” is defined as a GSO satellite designed to communicate with earth stations with directional antennas. Applications for GSO-like satellite system licenses will be placed in a queue and considered in the order that they are filed The application will be granted only if it meets each of the following criteria: After review of the application and any pleadings filed in response to that application, the Commission finds that the applicant is legally, technically, and otherwise qualified, that the proposed facilities and operations comply with all applicable rules, regulations, and policies, and that grant of the application will serve the public interest, convenience and necessity); and The proposed satellite will not cause harmful interference to any previously licensed operations. Services offered pursuant to a GSO-like license in a frequency band granted before the Commission has adopted frequency-band-specific service rules for that band will be subject to the default service rules

FCC Part 25 Processing Procedures Modified Processing Round for “NGSO-like” systems “NGSO-like satellite system” is defined as: All NGSO satellite systems, and all GSO MSS satellite systems, in which the satellites are designed to communicate with earth stations with omni-directional antennas. Each NGSO-like satellite system application will be reviewed to determine whether it is acceptable for filing Each NGSO-like satellite system application that is acceptable for filing will be reviewed to determine whether it is a “competing application,” i.e., filed in response to a public notice initiating a processing round, or a “lead application,” i.e., all other NGSO-like satellite system applications. Competing applications that are acceptable for filing will be placed on public notice to provide interested parties an opportunity to file pleadings in response to the application Lead applications that are acceptable for filing will be placed on public notice. This public notice will initiate a processing round, establish a cut-off date for competing NGSO-like satellite system applications, and provide interested parties an opportunity to file pleadings in response to the application In the event that there is insufficient spectrum in the frequency band available to accommodate all the qualified applicants in a processing round, the available spectrum will be divided equally among the licensees Services offered pursuant to an NGSO-like license in a frequency band granted before the Commission has adopted frequency-band-specific service rules for that band will be subject to the default service rules