Walkability in Dhaka – initiatives of WBB Walkability in Dhaka – initiatives of WBB Maruf Hossain, Program Manager Naima Akter, Asst Advocacy Officer, Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust Transport and Mobilities : Meeting the Needs of Working Women 19th – 20th August 2017, University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh
Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust Founded in December 1998 Our programs Livable Cities Health Rights Economic and Social Justice Our approaches Advocacy Research Material development Networking Capacity building Media work Awareness
Livable Cities Safe & environment friendly transport Urban Structure Walking/Cycling/Rickshaw Public transport Car Control Rail Water transport Urban Structure Parks/Playgrounds Water and Sanitation Canals/rivers/lakes & water bodies Public Toilet Environment Noise pollution Air Pollution Polythene control
Safe & environment friendly transport Promoting fuel-free transport (walking, cycling, rickshaws) Analysis of 20-year transport plan for Dhaka City (fighting elevated expressway, promoting mass transport, cycling and walking facilities) Active recreation for children of all ages (cycle training, street closures)
Safe & environment friendly transport Prioritize rail in transport sector Challenge assumption that money spent on roads and highways is investment, on rail is a “loss” Create public awareness of the need to improve rail Work with policymakers, government, media, and NGOs to work to improve rail
Dhaka, Capital of Bangladesh Total area is 1528 sq. km Total 17 million people living in Dhaka Sources: DMDP: 1995-2015 World Urbanization Prospects: The 2014 Revision, the UN Report
Advantages and Challenges 76% trips are under 5 km; half of those are under 2 km Year Total trips (1,000) Car Bus Rickshaw Etc Railway & Harbor Walk 2013 31,355 6.43 34.15 40.58 0.12 0.21 18.51 2015 34,877 7.22 36.97 37.69 0.14 0.25 17.72 2025 46,639 11.12 41.78 30.90 0.19 0.33 15.69 2035 59,774 16.29 41.46 27.37 0.20 0.34 14.35 Source: Draft Dhaka Structure Plan (2016-2035) Report and HDRC 2004
Private Cars are Increasing 9236 cars have already been registered by May 2017
Challenges 44% roads have no footpath No crossing amenities in 97% area Footpath shrunk in some area under model project Under STP, $10 million (total budget $5.2 billion) for walking…mostly unpopular bridges Zebra crossing removed from several areas
Challenges Expanding rickshaw bans rather than integration No new rickshaw licenses issued after 1988 Under STP $10 million for NMT (rickshaw and bicycle)…used for what? No significant initiatives to develop public transport Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) slow progress; priority to metro rail though 12-100 times the cost per km
Challenges Citizens encouraged to buy car due to poor condition for public transport, NMT and walking Car is highly subsidized mode: build flyover- elevated expressway, free parking, car loan, extensive car infrastructure
Initiative by WBB collaboration with CSO/NGO/Institutes 2016 Started lobbying for inner waterway 2016 Prepared a guideline on Women-friendly transportation system 2014 Started ASRTS program 2011 Dhaka Walkability Strategy 2008 Started campaign for city bus 2006 Started car control campaign 2005 Started promoting walking 2004 Started promoting NMT 2003 Started campaign for rail
Guidelines on transport for low-income women: some key points Improve pedestrian environment Facilitate movement by rickshaw Increase safety through lights, presence of vendors. Providing enough public toilet. Awareness building Ensure implementation of laws. Ensuring women’s participation in policy making Improve infrastructure
Initiatives by the Government Banned two stroke three wheelers. Formulated National Integrated Multi-Modal Transport Policy, 2013. Established separate ministry and increased budget for rail. Started to improve walking environment. Increased road and import tax on private cars. Directed to restrict registration more than one car per family. Government approved two pilot project to improve walking environment. Celebrated World Car Free Day 2016 with government and non-government collaboration.
World Car Free Day 2016
World Car Free Day 2016
World Car Free Day 2016
Capacity Building
Publications Around 50 Publications Available in website www.wbbtrust.org
Wind of Change
Transport and Mobilities: Meeting the Needs of Working Women 19th – 20th August 2017 University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh www.intalinc.leeds.ac.uk