SPS activities during LS2 TE-EPC (Power Converter Group)


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Presentation transcript:

SPS activities during LS2 TE-EPC (Power Converter Group) G. Le Godec K. Kahle Presented at SPS coordination meeting on 12.07.2017

PLAN 10 341 Supply new converters for SPS TCDI Project: LIU Goal: New power converters for the upgrade of the passive protection system in the LHC injection transfer line, Activities: relocate 2 converters from TI2-SR2 to TI8-SR8 and install 2 new converters in TI2-SR2 Functional specification: https://edms.cern.ch/document/1593302/0.1 ECR: System level (M.Fraser): https://edms.cern.ch/document/1577759/0.2 released, Dedicated EPC ECR will be released Q3-Q4 2017. Location of the work: Surface building SR2-SR8 Duration of the work: LS2-TBD + Hardware test period What is needed: all services ready for the commissioning

PLAN 10 363 Supply new converters for SPS RF Cavities Project: LIU-CONS Goal: New power converters for SPS_RF cavities, Activities: installation 6 converters rated 1.7 MW+ load switches + dummy loads Functional specification: https://edms.cern.ch/document/1743554/2 Pre-ECR: https://edms.cern.ch/document/1816524/0.1 Location of the work: Surface building BA3 Duration of the work: LS2 + dedicated Hardware test period for BE/RF Complete GDPM planning with all milestones: https://edms.cern.ch/document/1773400/1 What is needed: all services ready for the commissioning

PLAN 11 103 Relocate the eCloud test bench power converters Project: LIU Goal (initial): relocate existing power converters from BA5 to BA1, EPC strategy: converters in BA5 are old and oversized. Proposal to install in BA1, 2 new optimised converters. Functional specification and ECR: to be released in September Location of the work: Surface building BA1 Duration of the work: LS2-TBD + Hardware test period Complete GDPM planning to be released What is needed: all services ready for the commissioning

PLAN 11 145 Consolidate the SPS nCOD converters Goal: Replace existing NCOD converters Activities: install 370 x new converters (40 racks in 10 different buildings) Functional specification: https://edms.cern.ch/document/1698766/0.2 under approval ECR preparation ongoing Location of the work: all SPS surface buildings + SR2-SR8 Duration of the work: LS2-TBD + Hardware test period What is needed: all services ready for the commissioning

PLAN 11228 Supply new Control Electronics for SPS main power converter Resp.: O. Michels, C. Genton, Q. King Goal: Equip all Dipole and Quadrupole converters with new regFGC3 digital control electronics, Project description: EDMS 1548899 EPC strategy: First stage: current loop – DONE in 2016 Second stage: voltage loop – foreseen for LS2 Location of the work: BA1 – BA6 (surface work) Duration of the work: Installation during LS2 (installation and cabling done by TE-EPC) Commissioning and powering tests: at the end of LS2 What is needed: All services (water, tunnel closed) for powering tests. Single tests, powering tests of all individual stations plus entire system: duration total 5 weeks

PLAN 10364: Installation of new BEQ1 SVC for SPS Resp.: K. Kahle, F. Blanquez, C. Genton, D. Denuziere Goal: Replace the obsolete Static Var Compensator BEQ1 (with saturated reactor) Project Description: EDMS 1547722 (very high power: 150 Mvar, 10 MCHF project) Activities: Dismantle old SVC BEQ1 and dismantle old b. 887 with saturated reactor Civil engineering: Renovate concrete platform 2500 m2 Install new SVC BEQ1 Location of work: Zone next to the BE substation (surface, outdoor installation) Duration of work: Entire LS2 Contributions: EN-HM for installation EN-EL for electrical infrastructure EN-CV for cooling water installation SMB-SE for concrete platform BE-ICS for fire detection system SMB-SC for disposal of saturated reactor BE-ICS for PVSS application BE-OP for commissioning and test support with SPS machine What is needed: All services for SPS powering tests with the SPS main converters (2 weeks)

PLAN 11747 Maintenance and Consolidation of Power Converter Transformers Resp.: D. Denzuiere, A. Troller, K. Kahle Goal: Maintenance, consolidation testing of a large number of power converter transformers, Project description: EDMS 1556874 (50 cast-resin transformers) EDMS 1083883 (25 oil transformers) EPC strategy: Consolidate in a transformer factory critical transformers which are in bad shape Renovate and re-test on-site the transformers where it is possible Location of the work: BA1 – BA6 (surface work, transformer pits outside the BA’s) Duration of the work: Entire LS2 What is needed: Included into the powering tests

Hardware for the Power Converters (TE-EPC) Resp.: O. Michels, C. Genton. K. Kahle, G. Le Godec Goal: Make sure that all power converters are working fine Commissioning tests of all new installations (SVC BEQ1, New SPS control electronics etc.) What is needed: All services (water, general services, electricity) Basis: We base the planning on our experiences from LS1. Similar procedure in 2 phases was used. Duration of the HW tests: 4 weeks (tunnel open), plus 8 weeks Powering Tests (tunnel closed) Phase 1: Pre-commissioning tests of about 300 converters AuxPS, duration 4 w. (tunnel open, but we need all services!) Detailed schedule will be defined, with teams passing from BA to BA We adapt to the schedule of other groups, e.g. EL and CV Do we have the green light for our tests Phase 1? Phase 2: Powering tests - 8 weeks at the end of LS2 (tunnel closed, magnets powering, SVCs ON, we need all services!) Linkpersons BE-OP: S. Cettur, J. Ridewood