Renal transplants in Scandiatransplant By donor source & transplant year, 1995 - 2016
Recipient mean age in Scandiatransplant By donor source & transplant year, 1995 - 2016
Deceased donor renal transplants by recipient age strata Deceased donor renal transplants by recipient age strata. Scandiatransplant 1995-2016
Living donor renal transplants by recipient age strata Living donor renal transplants by recipient age strata. Scandiatransplant 1995-2016
LD and DD renal transplants By Scandiatransplant centre, 1995 - 2016 DK S N SF IS
LD and DD renal transplants By Scandiatransplant centre, 1995 - 2016
DD-graft recipient age groups By Scandiatransplant centre, 1995-2016
By Scandiatransplant centre, 1995-2016 Age of DD-renal grafts By Scandiatransplant centre, 1995-2016
Origin of DD-renal grafts By Scandiatransplant centre, 1995-2016
LD-graft recipient age groups By Scandiatransplant centre, 1995-2016
By Scandiatransplant centre, 1995-2016 Age of LD-renal grafts By Scandiatransplant centre, 1995-2016
Survival of renal first & later grafts. By donor source. Scandiatransplant 1995-2016 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 LD 1 N= 5500 LD-re N= 718 DD 1 N=12889 Graft Survival % DD-re N= 2469 LD: LD1 vs LD-re: P <0.0001 DD: DD1 vs DD-re: P <0.0001 TX1: LD vs DD: P < 0.0001 Re-tx: LD vs DD: P <0.0001 Years
Survival of renal first grafts. By donor source. Scandiatransplant 1995-2016 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 LD related N= 3915 LD unrelat N= 1593 Graft Survival % DD-tx1 N=12899 Related vs Unrelated: P=0.0618 Related vs DD: P<0.0001 Unrelated vs DD: P<0.0001 Years
Survival of renal first & later LD-grafts. By donor relation. Scandiatransplant 1995-2016 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 LD 1 related N= 3915 LD1 unrelat N= 1593 LD-re related N=472 LD-re unrelat N= 252 Graft Survival % TX1: Related vs Unrelated: P=0.0618 Re-tx: Related vs Unrelated: P=0.4304 Years
Survival of LD-unrelated grafts. By DR mismatch. Scandiatransplant 1995-2016 2 4 6 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Graft Survival % 0 DR mm N= 132 1 DR mm N= 796 2 DR mm N= 820 Years
Survival of first renal DD grafts By period. Scandiatransplant 1995-2016 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2015-16 N= 1492 2010-14 N= 3287 Graft Survival % 2005-09 N=2934 2000-04 N=2689 1995-99 N=2497 2000-04 vs 1995-99: P <0.0001 Other comparisons: n.s. Years
Survival of first renal LD grafts By period. Scandiatransplant 1995-2016 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2015-16 N= 548 2010-14 N= 1561 2005-09 N=1359 2000-04 N=1151 Graft Survival % 1995-99 N= 897 2000-04 vs 1995-99: P =0.0023 Other comparisons: n.s. Years
Survival of first renal DD grafts. By ABDR mismatch. Scandiatransplant 1995-2016 0ABDR 1ABDR 2ABDR 3ABDR 4ABDR 5ABDR 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Graft Survival % 6ABDR Years
Survival of first renal DD grafts. By DR mismatch. Scandiatransplant 1995-2016 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 DR mm N= 3596 Graft Survival % 1 DR mm N=6696 2 DR mm N=2593 0 DR vs 1-2DR: P=0.0260 Years
Survival of first renal DD grafts. By DR match & period: 1995-99 vs. 2012-16 1 2 3 4 5 50 60 70 80 90 100 0DR 2012-16 N= 834 DRmm 2012-16 N=2996 Graft Survival % 0DR 1995-99 N=684 0 DR: 2012-16 vs 1995-99: P =0.0158 DRmm: 2012-16 vs 1995-99: P <0.0001 2012-16: 0 DR vs DRmm: P =0.1590 1995-99: 0DR vs DRmm: P =0.0077 DRmm 1995-99 N=1867 Years
Survival of first renal LD grafts. ABO-comp. vs ABO-incomp. Scandiatx 2005-16 2 4 6 8 10 12 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ABO-comp. N=2909 ABO-incomp. N= 555 Graft Survival % ABO-incomp vs ABO-comp: P=0.0697 Years
Survival of renal DD grafts By immunisation status. Scandiatx. 2007-16 4 6 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 NI N= 5227 LI/PI N=1070 Graft Survival % I N=960 HI N= 467 HI vs I: P=0.0267 I vs NI: P=0.0033 NI vs LI/PI: P=0.3738 Years
Patient survival after first renal DD-graft. By age at tx1. Scandiatransplant 1995-2016 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0-20 N= 398 Patient Survival % 20-55 N=6578 55-65 N=3567 65-75 N=2096 75+ N=257 Years
Patient survival after first renal LD-graft. By age at tx1. Scandiatransplant 1995-2016 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0-20 N= 637 20-55 N=3413 Patient Survival % 55-65 N=1023 65-75 N=407 75+ N=19 Years