Sonja M. Thrasher, RN James Madison University HemoDialysis Sonja M. Thrasher, RN James Madison University Dialysis and infiltration [Photograph]. (n.d.). Kidneybuzz
This is for Those who do not know what Hemodialysis is. This is to help others to understand that dialysis is a life line for people and without it, people would die. This is also to take the fear out of the unknown. It is hard to be afraid of something when you know what it is and what it does.
When dialysis is required A diagnoses of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) from Uncontrolled Diabetes Uncontrolled Hypertension Glomerulonephritis: Kidney inflammation Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Autoimmune Disease Birth Defects Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Statistics . (n.d.)
5 Stages of Kidney Disease Stage 1 – Normal or high GFR >90 Stage 2 – Mild CKD GFR 60-89 Stage 3A – Moderate CKD GFR 45-59 Stage 3B – Moderate CKD GFR 30-44 Stage 4 – Severe CKD GFR 15-29 Stage 5 – End stage CKD GFR <15 Stages of kidney failure. (n.d.) Chronic kidney disease stages & living with CKD. (n.d.)
Preparing for Dialysis Choose a dialysis provider EX: DaVita or Fresenius are the leading dialysis companies in the industry Make an appointment with a vascular surgeon for an assessment and vein mapping that leads to preparing a vascular access Davita Logo, n.d. Chronic kidney disease and dialysis treatment . (n.d.
AVF? or AVG? Fistula is using the patients own artery and vessel to build the fistula. Considered “the gold standard of access” according to CMS (Arteriovenous (AV) fistula, n.d.). Graft is using a soft plastic tube that connects the artery to the vessel under the skin (Arteriovenous (AV) fistula, n.d.). Dialysis access. (n.d.
Dialysis Treatment Dialysis treatment is required when your kidneys fail, so an artificial kidney works to clean your body of waste and excess fluid (Dialysis, n.d.). Majority of patients dialyze 3 days per week, 4 hours each treatment (Dialysis, n.d.). Each treatment starts with the arm being cleaned then cannulated with sharp needles. (Dialysis, n.d.) Fresenius 2008K Dialysis Machines for Sale. (n.d.) Safety Fisutla Needles. (n.d.)
What is a kidney transplant? Goal: Transplant When a patients kidneys fail, their options for survival are dialysis but ultimately a kidney transplant (Kidney Transplant, 2017). What is a kidney transplant? When a healthy kidney is placed inside the patient who kidneys have failed and works just has his own. ??Did you know?? When a new kidney is placed, they leave the patients failed kidneys in place. The new kidney is placed in the lower abdomen so it can be easily attached to the blood supply and bladder. (Kidney Transplant, 2017). Miami Kidney Group, 2013
What it means to be a Dialysis Nurse What is means to be a dialysis nurse is supporting and encouraging a patient throughout their journey, to ultimately achieve a transplant. Some patients spend years on dialysis so it can be very discouraging. For myself, I always try to have a positive attitude as they are coming into the clinic. The patients become part of your life since we see each other multiple times during the week, for hours at a time. The downside is that some patients die before they receive their transplant. As a nurse and person who has grown to care for them, it can be heart wrenching. Heart wrenching because the other patients know when someone is not present at their scheduled time and day. Where there is death, there is life too! We celebrate together when a person gets a transplant and hope grows for everyone. My goal is to always give my best to my patients so they can reach their goal of a transplant so they can go back to living their life on their own without the constraints of having to come to dialysis treatment.
References Dialysis and infiltration [Photograph]. (n.d.). Kidneybuzz Statistics . (n.d.). In Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved October 24, 2017, from Stages of kidney failure. (n.d.). In Retrieved October 25, 2017, from Chronic kidney disease stages & living with CKD. (n.d.). In Retrieved October 25, 2017, from Davita logo. (n.d.). In Davita. Retrieved October 29, 2017, from /academics/colleges/business/business-partnerships/celebration/PublishingImages /DaVita_Logo_4C_F.jpg Chronic kidney disease and dialysis treatment . (n.d.). In Fresenius Kidney Care. Retrieved October 29, 2017, from
References Arteriovenous (AV) Fistula. (n.d.). In Davita . Retrieved October 29, 2017, from https:// arteriovenous-av-fistula- %25ef%25bf%25bd-the-gold-standard-hemodialysis-access/e/ 5032 Dialysis access. (n.d.). In Advanced vascular. Retrieved October 29, 2017, from http:/ / Safety Fistula Needles. (n.d.). In Retrieved October 29, 2017, from https:/ / needles-twin-packs.html Fresenius 2008K Dialysis Machines for Sale. (n.d.). In Retrieved October 29, 2017, from Kidney transplant. (2017, January). In National Kidney Foundation. Retrieved October 30, 2017, from Miami Kidney Group. (2013, March). Kidney transplant. In Miami Kidney. Retrieved October 30, 2017, from