Contact person: Mats Brorsson


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Presentation transcript:

Contact person: Mats Brorsson PaPP Portable and Predictable Performance on Heterogeneous Embedded Manycores Contact person: Mats Brorsson

Portable and Predictable Performance on Heterogeneous Manycores Manycore chips are already here! Heterogeneous multi-core chips are already here! They will be combined! Are you ready to develop future-proof software? Tile-GX 100 core chip Nvidia Tegra Heterogeneous multicore

Technology & Market Innovation Overall objective to deliver Predictable and portable performance and QoS functionality across application domains and platform generations Technology objectives: Effective system software dealing with mixed-criticality on heterogeneous MPSoC:s Predictable resource management (with QoS requirements) Performance and debug analysis methodologies Domain specific standard compliance Market innovation objectives Shorter time-to-market Longer-lived software Cross-domain reuse Key (end user) benefits and the societal importance More functionality at lower cost Lower power-consumption

Approach Domain A Domain B Domain C DSL:s OS1 OS2 Hypervisor Arch 1 Multiple application domains Task-centric parallelism Separation of concerns Enables better resource management Multi-level co-operative scheduling and resource management Hypervisor OS(s) RTS:s Demonstrator of feasibility for multiple domains and architectures Domain A Domain B Domain C DSL:s Framework Standard languages Run-time systems Run-time systems OS1 OS2 Hypervisor Arch 1 Arch 2 Arch 3

Technical work packages WP3 Integration and evaluation Responsible for the demonstrator Requirements and specification Integration Evaluation WP4 Hypervisor and architecture What info is needed from architecture Basic resource management and isolation Support for multiple Operating systems WP5 Operating and run-time systems Co-operative scheduling and resource management WP6 Applications Multiple domains

Section 1 - Relevance and contributions to the content and objectives of the Call The proposal addresses issues in all three of the industrial priorities: Reference design and architectures: composability, cross-domain Seamless connectivity and middleware: system software and resource management Design methods and tools: programming models and analysis tools and methodologies ASP5: Computing platforms for embedded systems The proposal contributes something to all the specific objectives Contribution to the ARTEMIS strategic targets The PaPP proposal results will directly contribute to development of software for the future heterogeneous manycore platforms with shorter time-to-market, more reliability, higher performance, lower power consumption, more functionality, and which is future-proof

Potential consortium 12 countries 19 interested partners here Sweden (3) Spain (2) LE/SME:s needed France (1) Denmark (1) Netherlands (2) Russia (1) Italy (3) UK (1) Czech republic (1) Germany (2) Portugal (1) Finland (1) 12 countries 19 interested partners here Anticipated 9-10 more After inventory of current partners Suitable application domains Automotive Aerospace Telecommunications Technology providers Operating systems Virtualization technology Microprocessor design Compiler technology

Thank you, Mats Brorsson,