by Niluh Ririn Widiantini 2718 VI F Food and drink by Niluh Ririn Widiantini 2718 VI F
- What kind of food you usually eat ? Subject : English Class / Grade : VI / 2 Meeting : 1 Time allotment : 2 x 35minutes Food and Drink - What kind of food you usually eat ? ( jenis makanan apa yang biasanya kalian sering makan?) - And What kind of food that you eat is healthy ? ( dan apakah jenis makanan yang kalian makan sudah sehat ? )
The axample of food and drink Food : meat egg fish ( ikan ) ( daging ) egg ( telur ) fish ( ikan ) bread ( roti )
rice ( nasi ) vegetables ( sayur-sayuran ) banana ( pisang ) cake ( kue )
Drink : tea ( teh ) water ( air ) milk ( susu ) coffee ( kopi ) ice cream ( es krim ) water ( air )
Okey now, let’s we write down the words bellow ! Excersaice Okey now, let’s we write down the words bellow ! ………… ..…….. ………… ………… …………..
2. Matching the picture with the word given a. a. ice cream b. b 2. Matching the picture with the word given a. a. ice cream b. b. water c. c. tea d. d. meat e. e. fish f. f. milk
3. Rearrange the jumble words bellow ! 1. Egg – wati – not – like – does. 2. Chicken – I – fried – like. 3. In – the – they – morning – drinking – are. 4. Milk – children – our – drink. 5. Coffee – he – like – not – does.
Thank You