Romans 8.5-8
Who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is always referred to as “He.” Some things the Spirit can do: Comfort, John 14.26 Bear witness, Rom. 8.16 Teach, John 14.26 Intercede, Rom. 8.27 Testify, John 15.26 Search, 1 Cor. 2.10 Reprove. John 16.8 Speak, 1 Tim. 4.1 Guide, John 16.13 Forbid, Acts 16.6-7
Who is the Holy Spirit? We were made in the image of God. Some ways the Spirit is like us: A mind, Rom. 8.27 Lied against, Acts 5.3 Knowledge, 1 Cor. 2.11 Insulted, Heb. 10.29 A will, 1 Cor. 12.11 Emotions (love), Rom. 15.30 Blasphemed, Mt. 12.31 Feelings, things can be done to Him: Grieved, Eph. 4.30 Resisted, Acts 7.51
Who is the Holy Spirit? Why do we need to know about the Holy Spirit? Romans 8.9-14 Be led by the Spirit through God’s Word and become a son of God today!