From Law to Grace Hebrews 7 LWCC 2017
But first ... some History and Events that pre-date Law and Grace (and they are meant to be most meaningful to the JEWS)
Abraham Isaac Jacob 12 Tribes of Israel (Jacob) Levi …………… Abraham Isaac Jacob 12 Tribes of Israel (Jacob) Levi ……………. Judah Priests Kings Aaron (separate!) David
HISTORY LESSON Genesis 15:18-20 And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was a priest of God Most High. And he blessed him (Abraham) … And he gave him a tenth (i.e. tithe) of all.
HISTORY LESSON Hebrews 7:1,4 For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham … Now observe how great this man was to whom Abraham, the patriarch, gave a tenth (i.e. tithe) …
HISTORY LESSON Hebrews 7:6-7 But the one whose genealogy is not traced from them, collected a tenth from Abraham, and blessed the one who had the promises. But without any dispute the lesser (Abraham) is blessed by the greater (Melchizedek).
Abraham Isaac Jacob 12 Tribes of Israel (Jacob) Levi …………… Abraham Isaac Jacob 12 Tribes of Israel (Jacob) Levi ……………. Judah Priests Kings Aaron David
Melchizedek (!) Abraham Isaac Jacob 12 Tribes of Israel (Jacob) Levi ……………. Judah Priests Kings
Melchizedek (!) Abraham Isaac Jacob 12 Tribes of Israel (Jacob) Levi ……………. Judah Priests Kings
High Priest (Earthly Temple) Hebrews 9:3,7 And behind the second veil, there was a tabernacle which is called the Holy of Holies … into the second only the high priest enters, one a year, not without taking blood… (i.e. Levitical high priest)
therefore … HISTORY LESSON Hebrews 7:7 But without any dispute the lesser (Abraham) is blessed by the greater (Melchizedek). therefore …
Why is this important ??? Greater vs. Lesser Melchizedek is greater than Abraham Abraham is greater than Levi Aaron and the priesthood are of the tribe of Levi Melchizedek priesthood is greater than the Levitical priesthood Why is this important ???
High Priest (Heavenly Temple) Hebrews 6:19-20 This hope … which enters within the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.
High Priest Hebrews 7:14 For it is evident that our Lord was descended from Judah, a tribe with reference to which Moses spoke nothing concerning priests. (i.e. Jesus was not from the tribe of Levi, therefore He can not be a Levitical Priest)
Melchizedek (!) Abraham Isaac Jacob 12 Tribes of Israel (Jacob) Levi ……………. Judah Priests Kings
Melchizedek (JESUS) Abraham Isaac Jacob 12 Tribes of Israel (Jacob) Levi ……………. Judah Priests Kings
Melchizedek (JESUS)! Abraham Isaac Jacob 12 Tribes of Israel (Jacob) Levi ……………. Judah Priests Kings
Why is all this important? Hebrews 7:11 Now if perfection was through the Levitical priesthood (…), what further need was there for another priest to arise according to the order of Melchizedek, and not be designated according to the order of Aaron?
Read about priests in the Law! What is in the (…) ??? Hebrews 7:11 Now if perfection was through the Levitical priesthood (for on the basis of it the law was given)… Read about priests in the Law!
Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) Foundations ! Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) “for on the basis of it the law was given” foundation
From Law to Grace ! Hebrews 7:12 For when the priesthood is changed, of necessity there takes place a change of law also.
Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) Foundations ! Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) “for on the basis of it the law was given” foundation
Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) Foundations ! Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) but the basis has changed! foundation
Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) Foundations ! Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) foundation
Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) Foundations ! Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) foundation
Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) Foundations ! Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) foundation
From Law to Grace ! Hebrews 7:12 For when the priesthood is changed (Aaronic to Melchizedek), of necessity there takes place a change of law also (Mosaic to Grace).
Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) Foundations ! Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) Grace Melchizedek Priesthood (No Tribe) foundation foundation
Foundations ! Grace Melchizedek Priesthood (No Tribe) Romans 6:14 For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law, but under grace. Grace Melchizedek Priesthood (No Tribe) foundation
Jesus High Priest Foundations ! Grace Melchizedek Priesthood Romans 6:14 For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law, but under grace. Grace Melchizedek Priesthood (No Tribe) foundation
From Law to Grace ! Hebrews 7:18-19 For on the one hand, there is a setting aside of a former commandment because its weakness and uselessness (for the Law made nothing perfect), and on the other hand there is a bringing in of a better hope, through which we draw near to God.
From Law to Grace ! Hebrews 7:22 … so much the more also Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant.
From Law to Grace ! Hebrews 8:6-7 But now He (Jesus) has obtained a more excellence ministry, by as much as He is also the mediator of a better covenant, which has been enacted on better promises.
From Law to Grace ! Hebrews 8:6-7 (cont’d) For if the first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion sought for a second.
From Law to Grace ! Hebrews 8:13 When He said, “A new covenant” (quoting Jeremiah 31:31) He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear.
From Law to Grace ! Hebrews 10:19b … He (Jesus) takes away the first in order to establish the second.
Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) Foundations ! Mosaic Law Aaronic Priesthood (Tribe of Levi) Grace Melchizedek Priesthood (No Tribe) foundation foundation
Why is all this important? Hebrews 7:11 Now if perfection was through the Levitical priesthood (…), what further need was there for another priest to arise according to the order of Melchizedek, and not be designated according to the order of Aaron?
From Law to Grace ! Hebrews 7:18 For on the one hand, there is a setting aside of a former commandment because of its weakness and uselessness (for the Law made nothing perfect)
From Law to Grace ! Hebrews 10:14 For by one offering He (Jesus) has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.
From Law to Grace ! Hebrews 10:19-21 Since therefore, brethren, we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith…