CBCGL English Ministry WELCOME TO CBCGL English Ministry CBCGL FAMILY NEWS Praise the Lord! We have collected a total pledge of $10,200.00 from last Sunday and reached the total of $1,913,64500. Please continue to pray for and participate to pledge for the equipment expenditure. Ask God to bless that we can move on to Phase II quickly after completion of Phase I. Please issue the check to "CBCGL" and write "Building Project" in the memo section of the check for your donation. Pastor Wu will teach two DMin courses in San Jose and Taipei, leaving on 1/18 and returning on 2/1. Please keep him in your prayers. He can be reached by email peterwu211@gmail.com during his trip. Youth ministry will send a short term mission team to serve in Costa Rica this summer. The first fundraising event hosted by YMC is to sell NianGao (Chinese Rice Cake) for the Chinese New Year. Please place your order through Sophia Wong, Vivian Gillis, Grace Zhou or Tony Ge if you are interested and indicate your choice of flavors: red bean or brown sugar, $10 each. The 2015 tax receipts for tithes will be available for distribution on Sunday, 1/31. Please come to the front lobby of the Mandarin sanctuary to pick up your receipt on 1/31 or 2/7 from 12:30 - 1:30 pm. Seeking to Transform Lives and Communities - Opportunities and Actions, John 9:4 January 31, 2016 Call to Worship Scripture Reading & Opening Prayer Songs of Worship Message “God and our suffering” Genesis 50:15-21 Brother Mathew Kipchumba Response & Offering Announcements Benediction and Doxology Sunday School: 11:45 AM Meet Brother Gideon Lee 2/5 (Friday) 7:45pm Combined Fellowship workshop by Gideon Topic: Yes, It’s Okay to Outreach on Sunday! Discussion and Fellowship immediate after: please bring light snack to share at Koinonia Rm · 2/7 Sunday Service Sermon: Follow me: Jesus the recruiter and the young man who turned down his job offer” (Mark 10:17-31) Q&A during Sunday school hour We will have lunch together with Gideon and his family at English Fellowship Hall Please order your Cafe lunch box ($4.00) from Marina Lam UPCOMING EVENTS Combined Fellowship: Chinese New Year Celebration: 2/6, 6-9 PM at English Fellowship Hall; $5-9/person subject to final cost; please RSVP William, Pat or Ying by Wednesday (2/3) Chinese Bible Church of Greater Lowell Pastor Peter Wu, Senior Pastor | Pastor Nathan Willems, Youth Pastor James Chung, Mandarin | Pastor Chen, Cantonese 197 Littleton Road | Chelmsford, MA 01824 978.256.3889 | english@cbcgl.org | www.cbcgl.org