Our Diverse County: Living & Voting in MoCo Prepared for: Do The Most Good Prepared By: Hamza Khan
The election was certified as free & fair by international observers 66% of Tunisians voted in 2014, despite two candidates being killed by terrorists, and the threat of suicide bombers. The election was certified as free & fair by international observers
54% of Afghans voted in their 2014 elections, despite the Taliban attacking poll sites.
(And they largely did not reflect Montgomery County’s diversity) Less than 17% of eligible voters turned out in 2014’s Democratic Primary in Montgomery County (And they largely did not reflect Montgomery County’s diversity)
Who Voted in 2014?
Who Voted in 2014? Overwhelmingly white (County is 51% non-white & 1/3 foreign born) Dominant Age Rage: 45+ (county median age is 39.8) Down County “410 Corridor”
Are We Really A Democracy?
Montgomery County Voter Summary Total Population (est.): 1.1 million people Total Voting Population (Oct 2017): 647,494 voters Democrats: 378,990 Republicans: 116,493 Unaffiliated: 142,639 Dem | Non-Dem: 378,990 | 259,132
Major Ethnic/Minority Voting Blocs African Immigrant communities Asian American communities Latino community Muslim American community Middle Eastern communities
African Immigrant Community Every country on the continent of Africa is represented in Montgomery County (54 countries total) Largest three subsets: Ethiopian Nigerian Francophone West Africans No African Immigrants are elected to public at any level in Montgomery County
Ethiopian Community 1 in 5 of all African Immigrants in our region are Ethiopian Roots in 1974 overthrow of Haillie Selassie in Ethiopia Unchecked rise of rents led to a move out to MoCo starting in 90s, speeding up in 2000s Over 1200 Ethiopian-owned businesses in the DC region Maryland’s best-rated coffee shop is an Ethiopian roaster, Black Lion Café in North Potomac
Asian American Communities By the numbers: Over 15% of our county identifies as “Asian American” Over 50,000 residents are from South Asia (Indian Subcontinent) 43,000 residents are Chinese Americans 16,000 residents are Filipino 14,000 residents are Korean 14,000 residents are Vietnamese
Muslim Americans There are an estimated 100,000 Muslims in Montgomery County 12 mosques, 20 additional Friday service locations Four mosques have high-holiday congregations in excess of 5,000 One mosque has a high holiday congregation in excess of 10,000 Muslims speak over 40 languages and hail from over 60 countries in Montgomery County.