“Byzantium is the New Rome!” THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE “Byzantium is the New Rome!”
Constantinople Previously known as Byzantium “The city of Constantine had large markets, public squares, paved roads, a cathedral, palace, public baths and a hippodrome Almost half a million people lived here in the early 500’s Constantinople
Three Names BYZANTIUM: the city was first called this by the Ancient Greeks CONSTANTINOPLE: the city was renamed this because it was the “city of Constantine” ISTANBUL: the city would be renamed this by the Muslim Turks who would take over Constantinople
Justinian One of the greatest Byzantine emperors Began to rule in 527 AD Was born to a poor family Listened to all subjects- wealthy nobles or peasants Appointed a team to collect and summarize Roman laws Encouraged education and reforms to laws and government Justinian
Justinian’s Code One of Justinian’s most lasting contributions A system of laws An organized collection and explanation of Roman laws for use by the Byzantine Empire Became the basis(foundation) for the legal systems of most modern European countries
Schism means split Refers to the Great Schism of the Christian church in 1054 Led to different forms of Christianity Roman Catholic church in the WEST(It., Fr., Sp., Gr) Eastern(Greek) Orthodox church in the EAST (Greece, Turkey)
Byzantines People who lived in Constantinople Mostly Christian Were in a “tug of war with the Muslim Arab Turks for the Middle East Powerful civilization Byzantines
Why did Constantinople become rich & powerful? built at a major crossroads of trade Located on the Bosphorus, which connects the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea Byzantines charged taxes on ALL GOODS that went through the city.
What cultures influenced Byzantine Civilization? Greek-kept and copied works of ancient Greeks Roman –preserved principles of Roman law Christian The blended all 3 influences. What cultures influenced Byzantine Civilization?
What qualities made Justinian a good and successful ruler? Listened to everyone Did not give up on a task until it was finished.
What was happening to the Byzantine Empire after the death of Justinian? Later emperors fought wars against neighboring enemies Arguments within the empire weakened it (political and religious)
What caused the Great Schism of the Christian church? EAST WEST Rejected the authority of the Pope Allowed the Emperor to approve of a PATRIARCH (highest Church official in Constantinople) instead of Pope Spoke Greek in church Did not use Icons/saints Accepted the authority of the Pope Did not follow the patriarch Spoke Latin in church Permitted the use of icons/saints
The Importance of Icons Icons are paintings of holy people Roman Catholic Christians (in the West) often prayed to saints or holy people, represented by icons The Byzantine emperor banned the use of icons in the 700’s, claiming that they violated God’s commandments
Hagia Sophia Took 10,000 workers to build Was built in 5 years Is used as a mosque (Muslim place of worship) today
Why did Constantinople finally fall? Weakened by attacks from Muslim peoples(Seljuk Turks) from the east Weakened by Christian Crusaders from the west Finally fell to the Turks in 1453….then became the Ottoman Empire.
Qualities that made the Byzantine Empire Strong 1. Excellent army-protected city 2 . Excellent rulers- wise and popular; encouraged education 3. Improvements to law and government; Justinian’s Code