EECE 5117C/6017C Lab 2 Traffic Light Controller using FSM Prelab Activities: Complete the homework given for Lab 1 (Make sure to complete the design of FSM for traffic light controller) Demonstrate the Light project in the Quartus help (Switch and LED project). The necessary files are at: Work to be done during this lab: Turn in assignments from lab 1 (if you have not completed these, turn them in at the beginning of lab) Questions on Lab 2 : Discuss the FSM design that you have designed and come up with questions if there are any With your team partners, discuss your solution to the (revised) for Traffic Light controller. Come up with one description of the design and turn in your (joint) solution before you leave lab tonight Demonstrate how to implement FSM and simulate the circuits (tonight or during lab hours)
EECE 5117C/6017C Lab 2 Traffic Light Controller using FSM Implement and Demonstrate the finite state machine for the traffic light using the LEDs and pushbuttonsin the DE0-Nano-SoC Traffic light problem in MLK and Woodside Dr Intersection MLK is an EW road, 2 lanes in each direction. For traffic going from E to W, there is a left turn lane. There are also pedestrian crossings: Cross MLK on east side of the Library street (P1) Cross the Library street on N side of MLK (P2) Traffic Light is green for MLK traffic twice as long as for library traffic. Left turn lane has a signal that lasts 0.25 of time MLK light is green. While left turn signal is green, MLK pedestrian signal is red. Unspecified here: length of yellow signals in any direction. The Picture shown here is a sample depiction – come up with your own, while designing Map the LED [7:0] on the board to the traffic lights (Green, Amber and Red), Left Turn, and Pedestrian signals (P1 and P2) Include in your design any additional information from class discussions. MLK P1 P2 Woodside Dr
Homework: Complete the traffic light design if necessary. Study NIOS II processor and refer for more information to NIOS II Software Developer Handbook (in “Additional Documents”) Go through training Nios II Tools Overview and Design Flow and Developing Software for the Nios II Processor before coming to next lab