RealValue H2020 Overview RealValue project funded under H2020 LCE 8 – 2014: Local / small-scale storage Commenced 1st June 2015 (duration 36 months) EU Grant €12 million 1250 homes installed with the Quantum Smart Electric Thermal System in Ireland, Germany and Latvia Glen Dimplex acting as a coordinator Consortium of 13 partners in 5 member states Focus on Northern Europe
RealValue Consortium Pls update with the latest logos
Quantum Smart Electric Thermal Storage (SETS) - Key Features Consumer High efficiency energy store – low losses Accurate electronic time and temperature control Up to 25% reduction in energy bills Advanced apps for user interaction and information Power System Overall Demand Reduction Reduction of demand during peak periods Increased System Flexibility Provision of Ancillary Services Facilitation of increased renewable electricity generation
DSM using Smart Electric Thermal Storage DSM controls the consumption, not the heat Consumers remain in complete control of their heating and hot water at all times. The SETS technology allows us to be smart and intelligent in how the energy is consumed to deliver this heat and hot water. We start with their requirements – the level of heat and hot water they want and when they want it. This reveals how much energy is required and our smart technology optimizes the best time to deliver it, based on energy prices, and renewable energy generation. Pls update with the latest logos
RealValue - Impact across the electricity value chain
Bridge initiative 32 projects 31 countries 379 Individual organisations The EC contribution to all projects is €337 million 8 new projects joined in January 2017 BRIDGE is a European Commission initiative which unites Horizon 2020 Smart Grid and Energy Storage Projects to create a structured view of cross-cutting issues which are encountered in the demonstration projects and may constitute an obstacle to innovation. Pls update this if required I have updated
1. Scarcity Pricing ESBN – SERVO system (‘traffic light’ system / ‘permissive construct’) Will provide a 24 hour look ahead to the aggregator re network constraints Aggregator will do a confirmation before dispatch Note for me: See word doc on SERVO
2. Prosumers/consumers to react to prices through implicit Demand Side Response Currently in Ireland - locational scarcity pricing does NOT interact with wholesale or balancing markets View from the Irish DSO (ESBN) – avoid locational scarcity through the use of their SERVO system Link between DSO and aggregator – ideally scarcity should be fed in to the aggregator as a constraint (current limitations on aggregator platform also ie doesn’t know location of the load) TSO / DSO interaction – (Ireland) race to see who should lead in this area – may come down to EU / national legislation
3. Market framework for explicit DSR RealValue – Smart Electric Thermal Storage (SETS) – distributed, aggregated, controllable domestic heat load (explicit DSR) Grid services – frequency control, congestion management, voltage control, arbitrage, capacity value Procurement and activation theoretically through SERVO but currently being activated based on signals from the TSO to the aggregator – no commercial procurement taking place as it’s a project environment and market conditions not suitable yet in Ireland Measurement of delivery of flexibility – in the future this should correlate with the meter – in RV can measure locally (software being developed by Intel)
4. Non-discriminatory access to all markets Appliances / IOT Gateway / platform (IOTivity /open connectivity foundation) SERVO system (common API) interoperability / scalability!