Carl Washington, Johnnie Chhuoy, Bryan Robles Emergency Siren Carl Washington, Johnnie Chhuoy, Bryan Robles
Project Description
Rationale for Project Selection The device ensures an open pathway for emergency vehicles to reach its destination. This project focuses on traffic in high congestion areas where it is difficult to maneuver. It is used to save the lives of victims at each destination.
Project Specifications
Project Planning To create a model of varies street inspections Brainstorm on the project skeletal Purchase the adequate parts needed Begin to assemble a prototype street light Write a program from one intersection Create multiple street light intersections Write the code to connect all traffic lights and prepare a simulation of a emergency vehicle
Hardware Design
Software Design We will use c++ programing to conduct our project A code will be used to simulate a traffic light performance We will use a microcontroller and program it to clear a route for an emergency vehicle A layout of multiple intersections will be simulated on a button panel which will be used to choose the route for the emergency vehicle
Linkages and Applications to Society Creates a safer environment for everyone. Alternative solution for emergency vehicles and it will aid drivers who are not able to hear sirens . Less traffic accidents means less automobile repairs and costs
Project Resources Esurance Insurance Company. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2015, from IEEE 802 Wireless Standards: Fast Reference - Reference from (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2015, from WSDOT - Traffic Operations - Traffic Signals. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2015, from
Lessons Learned How to manage our time frame Brainstorming Simulation Conceptual to physical concept Use C++ programming along side a microcontroller Circuit building
Johnnie Programming Wiring Gathering Materials Testing Blueprints Troubleshooting
Bryan Robles Develop a test plan Provide input in final product schematic Solder Heat shrink Simulate Test parts Work as a team to reach mutual objective
Carl Washington Develop a test plan Logbook Status Report Documentation Wiring LEDs Solder & Heat shrink