Year 6 Academic year 2017-2018.
St Lucia, Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Year 6 Main topics Autumn WWII Spring St Lucia, Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Summer Mayan Civilization
Things that Class 6 say they would like to know! WWII Some of the things we will discover! Evacuees Home Front Battle of Britain Things that Class 6 say they would like to know! What weapons did they use? Why did the war start? What did people do to protect themselves? What would you have to do if you were an evacuee? What were the bomb shelters like? Who started the war?
Literacy. Speaking and listening- debating and presentations. Reading- word and comprehension. Discussing themes, recommending books, making comparisons, preparing poems and learning a wider range of poems. Comprehension- asking questions, drawing inferences such as characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives. Summarising the main ideas and identifying how authors use language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning. Provide justifications for their views. Writing- planning, drafting, evaluating and editing. Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Spelling. Genres- story and older literature, poetry, diary, non- fiction- letters, information, reports…
Measurement- converting, perimeter, area, volume and time. Numeracy. Number- number and place value, +, -,÷, x, fractions including decimals and percentages. Times tables- application. Measurement- converting, perimeter, area, volume and time. Geometry- properties of shapes, position and direction. Statistics- tables, timetables and graphing. Solving problems involving all of the above skills. Science. How we see things changing- shadows/the eye. Circuits Evolution and classifying plants, animals and micro-organisms.
Geography- Map reading skills, grid refernces and locating countries and continents. Study a region of the Americas. Investigate earthquakes and volcanoes. Computing- Presentations, programming-algorithms (set of precise instructions needed to complete a task), Coding- How the internet works and E- safety. P.E- Invasion games, gym, swimming, athletics, striking and fielding and outdoor and adventurous- Grangewaters/Stubbers or Residential. (WEDNESDAY/FRIDAY) R.E/ P.S.H.E- Harvest.our place in creation. Christmas- the mystery of Christmas. Hinduism and Islam.New beginnings, getting on and falling out, say no to bullying. Good to be me, changes and relationships. French- Where you live, the weather and shopping. Music- throughout other subjects and clarinet lessons. Art/D.T- WWII posters and advertisements, artist study, artists in history- volcanoes, Mayan masks and cooking.
Homework Days homework is due in : Monday –Any extra projects. Tuesday –Times table challenge. Wednesday –Reading records checked (minimum of 3 reads to an adult each week). Thursday –Maths homework. Friday -Spelling homework. New spelling pattern and activity will be given.
Expectations Bands Band 5 Beginning Band 6 Working in Band 6 Secure in Band 6 Mastery Beginning Beginning + Working in Working in+ Secure Secure+
Communication Note in homework book or by letter. Tuesday by appointment. Drop-in to view work. Letters (are put in school bags when paper version)- emailed, listed on newsletter and available on website. Reply slips/communication through class pot system. Class trip 4th October –Holdenby Hall. T.L.C- November 14th / 16th / 21st . S.A.T.s meeting- October 19th 3:30pm Secondary applications closing date 31st October. Residential meeting in the spring term.