Ready Player One Chapter 0014 Mrs Bly Eng 4
Ch. 0014 SQs 1. What is Sorrento’s Employee number? (Google it and explain the significance) 2. List two reasons why the city of Columbus is significant. 3. List the details of IOI’s offer to Parzival. 4. According to Sorrento, how will IOI change Oasis if they gain control? 5. List the details of Parzival’s counteroffer. 6. Explain IOI’s second offer.
Sorrento’s IOI Employee Number - 655321
Columbus Ohio is important! 1. Gregarious Simulation Systems was located in Columbus, Ohio 2. the main OASIS server vault was located in Columbus, Ohio THEREFORE, Columbus is like a “high-tech Mecca” (136). In Columbus, “an OASIS user could get the fastest, most reliable connection to the simulation. Most gunters dreamed of moving there someday, me included” (136). Foreshadowing?
IOI Makes a FIRST Offer “IOI wants to recruit you. As a consultant, to assist with our search for Halliday’s Easter egg. You’ll have all of our company’s vast resources at your disposal. Money, weapons, magic items, ships, artifacts. You name it” (138) Parzival responds: “What would my title be?” (138) “Chief oologist…You’d be in charge of the entire division, second-in-command only to me….In exchange for your services, we’re willing to pay you two million dollars a year, with a one-million-dollar signing bonus up front. And if and when you help us find the egg, you’ll get a twenty-five-million-dollar bonus” (138).
When IOI is in charge of OASIS.. “You know, contrary to popular belief, the OASIS really won’t change that drastically when IOI takes control of it. Sure, we’ll have to start charging everyone a monthly user fee. And increase the sim’s advertising revenue. But we also plan to make a lot of improvements. Avatar content files. Stricter construction guidelines. We’re going to make the OASIS a better place” (139). What is Parzival’s interpretation of this? See page 139 (bottom)- page 140 (top)
Parzival’s Counteroffer “Ok…count me in. Sign me up…..” “But I have three minor conditions…: “First, I want a fifty-million-dollar bonus when I find the egg for you guys. Not twenty-five…” “I want your job, Sorrento. I want to be in charge of the whole shebang. Chief of Operation….” “…I want everyone to have to call me El Numero Uno, too…” (140).
IOI responds…with a threat! “’Sit down, Wade’” (141). “I froze. Had he just used my real name?” (141). Sorrento: “’That’s right.’ Sorrento barked. ‘We know who you are. Wade Owen Watts. Born August twelfth, 2024. Both parents deceased. And we also know where you are. You reside with your aunt, in a trailer park located at 700 Portland Avenue in Oklahoma City. Unit 56-K, to be exact. According to our surveillance team, you were last seen entering your aunt’s trailer three days ago and you haven’t left since. Which means you’re still there right now” (141-142). QUESTION: Is WADE really home in the stacks? Where is he REALLY? See p. 142 about Sorrento’s BOMB THREAT.