Joining Images – Montage in Old Hollywood film Alfred Hitchcock is the master of film montage. From The Birds to Psycho – Hitchcock is a genius at using this effect to it’s greatest potential. Hitchcock’s montage is used to create an illusion that something has happened without actually showing the event Hitchcock explains cutting (
Task In groups of three, create a short sequence showing something that would be ‘impossible’ to film without effects or CGI. Using a montage of images you must suggest to your audience that this has happened. (for example, in the Psycho shower scene you can’t actually stab your actors!) Import your sequence into Premiere and individually edit it to music. Give it a title ‘Film Montage’ and upload it to your weebly site Along side this add an evaluation detailing the techniques you used to film and then edit the production. Do you feel this techniques is effective?
Modern day montage The modern day montage is used to show passing in time and to tell a story. They are normally to music and cut to the beat. Lock Stock and two smoking barrels The godfather Robin Hood Prince of Thieves Rocky Discuss other montages they may want to watch
Task Individually find examples of montage in films from todays Hollywood. Import clips into weebly. Give your work the title ‘Modern Montage’ Write an explanation on the difference between Hitchcock's montage and modern day montage