The ABC’s of Thanksgiving story by Mrs The ABC’s of Thanksgiving story by Mrs.Gursky’s First Graders Designed by Bora Lee November 30, 2009
A is for America The Pilgrims sailed across the sea to get away from their king. They came to America.
B is for Bow and Arrow The Indians used the bow and arrow to get the animals.
C is for Corn Squanto showed the Pilgrims how to plant corn. Corn was a new vegetable to them. When they got to the New World, they stole corn from the Indians.
D is for Dangerous E is for England F is for Feast G is for Gunpowder The lightning was dangerous. It was a dangerous trip on the Mayflower. The Pilgrims came to America. They lived in England before they came to America. F is for Feast G is for Gunpowder The Pilgrims and the Indians had a feast together. Two kids played with matches near barrels of Gunpowder and they almost made the Mayflower go BOOM, but luckily it didn't happen.