Lesson Level Pacing Session 5b Secondary
Our Learning Targets I can strategically adjust the pacing of module lessons. I can revise lessons in a way that anticipates impact on pacing while maintaining integrity to the standards.
Passing Notes Take a moment to respond to one of the questions below in writing: With regard to pacing, what obstacles exist? How do I ensure that transitions are happening in a timely manner? How do I prepare my students for successful participation in discussion protocols? Are there classroom management techniques that may need to be implemented? When prompted, draw a line under your response and trade papers with another person at your table. Read what your partner wrote and respond with either connections, suggestions, and/or questions.
ELA Module Pacing Recommendations Read the ELA Module Pacing Recommendations. Text code with ! Pacing strategies I already use ★Pacing strategies I would like to try
Modify a Lesson Review a module lesson plan from Grade 7, Module 4B. Using a yellow highlighter, identify parts of the plan that may indicate an area where pacing could be a concern and adaptations to the lesson COULD be made.
Modify a Lesson Using a different colored highlighter, reread the lesson plan and highlight areas of the plan that should NOT be altered. Think about the 4Ts Framework of Curriculum Design that we have been delving into over the past 4 sessions.
Solutions Locate the Pacing Solutions Note-catcher in your Participant’s Notebook. Choose 4-5 yellow highlighted steps from the lesson plan. Write these concerns in the first column of the note-catcher. Brainstorm possible solutions/ steps for each highlighted area. Write these ideas in the second row of the note-catcher. After you have completed at least 4 rows, switch papers with a tablemate. Partner should offer feedback about solutions in the third row of the note-catcher.
Sharing Ideas With your tablemates, identify the Top 5 solutions for pacing issues. Each table will choose a note taker to neatly write the group’s solutions on the chart paper. When finished, post your group’s chart in the space.
Poster Session Stand and visit the charts around the space...silently. Look for new ideas in regards to pacing.
Learning Targets Reflection I can strategically adjust the pacing of module lessons. I can revise lessons in a way that anticipates impact on pacing while maintaining integrity to the standards. Take a moment to think quietly about your response to the following: During this session, I became more aware of… When ready, share thoughts with your tablemates.
Reflecting on the 4 Ts Framework Based on what you experienced in this session, record new understandings about any of the Ts on your 4 Ts Anchor Note-catcher.