Welcome to the orientation session ! 1. Đoàn Thị Hương Hiền 2. Hoàng Ly Na 3. Đỗ Huỳnh Mỹ Liên 4. Trần Thị Loan 5. Tô Thị Hồng Cẩm
Aims: - Provide participants with general knowledge of cultural customs in Canada. Help participants avoid culture shock when they live in Canada.
Around Canada
National symbol
Game: Nice numbers - Teams in turns choose the numbers of multiple- choice questions. - Teams choose the best answer within 5 seconds - The team who gives the first signal will have the right to answer. The correct answer wins 1point. The team which has the most points will be the winner.
2 3 1 5 6 4 9 7 8
What kind of flowers should you avoid giving to Canadian people? Yellow tulips. White lilies. 03 05 02 01 04 00 C B A White roses What kind of flowers should you avoid giving to Canadian people?
In Canada, the right hand cuts with a knife, while the left holds what is being cut with a fork. And then ……….. 00 04 03 02 01 05 A B C They exchange the knife and fork before lifting cut food into their mouths The left hand uses the fork to lift the cut food directly into the mouth They use knife and fork to lift the food cut into the mouth.
What kind of Vietnamese food aren’t you allowed to eat in Canada? … 04 03 02 00 01 05 C A B Dog meat Duck’s blood curds Pig’s tripes soup
When greeting a Canadian, you should shake his hand….. 03 02 01 00 02 04 05 tightly A gently B Starting of a conversation in Canada is usually by a handshake . More people will shake hands very tightly. They feel uncomfortable or do not appreciate if people do not squeeze hands forcefully.
Raise a hand and ask for clarification In Canada, if a student does not understand a point that teacher makes in class, it is best to 04 03 02 00 01 05 A B C Remain silent and ask the teacher after class Look confused Raise a hand and ask for clarification
What would he do after the meal? 04 03 02 00 01 05 Pick up the bill and say “ Shall we share it?” A Pick up the bill and pay it B Grit his teeth and wait some more. C
Canadian friends may greet each other by slightly kissing … 04 03 02 00 01 05 A B C Only one on the left cheek. Only one on the right cheek. On both cheeks
You can give cash or money 03 02 01 00 04 05 You can give cash or money as a present in Canada. B A TRUE FALSE
for visitors to prepare to leave In Canada, when visiting someone's home, the serving of coffee at the end of an evening is a signal that it is time… 03 05 02 01 04 00 A for visitors to prepare to leave to start the conversation B C To continue the conversation
Spin Wheel THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE D I S A P R O- The Big Wheel -V A L 30 X 2 10 20 60 : 2 40 The Big Wheel -V A L Points
Rule: 3 groups with 3 representatives 3 rounds (Round 1 – Round 2 – Special round) Duty: With the cues given, find out the word behind the crossword by calling out the letters forming it. Press the button ‘Spin Wheel’ to know the marks you get for each right answer. The person giving the right answer will keep spinning the wheel. Chance for the next person if you give the wrong answer. After 2 rounds, the person with the highest points will take part in the special round
Having a thumb down means ... THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE R.1 Spin Wheel 11 letters D I S A P R O- 30 x2 10 20 60 : 2 40 The Big Wheel -V A L Having a thumb down means ... Points
elbows placed on the table while eating is considered as …. Spin Wheel THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE R.2 8 letters R U D E N S 30 x2 10 20 60 :2 40 The Big Wheel elbows placed on the table while eating is considered as …. Points
Spin Wheel THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE - SPECIAL ROUND 5 letters U H - 300 100 200 1000 500 400 The Big Wheel A colloquial way to respond to a yes or no question TIME’S UP 03 02 00 04 01 07 08 10 06 05 05 02 01 00 08 03 04 07 06 09 09 13 25 24 23 22 26 27 30 29 28 10 21 14 12 11 15 16 19 20 18 17 Points
1. Is it acceptable to greet a female friend by saying “Hey, man”? SITUATION QUESTIONS 1. Is it acceptable to greet a female friend by saying “Hey, man”? Can people ask about jobs in their first meeting? 3. Is it polite to flip your finger to call a waiter in a restaurant in Canada? I
1. Give white lilies to Canadian people DO DON’T 1. Shake hand tightly. 2. Raise your hand and ask for the clarification if not understanding the lesson 3. Share bills with other people when eating out 4. Kiss on both cheeks when greeting friends. 5. Be punctual. 1. Give white lilies to Canadian people 2. Give cash/money as a gift 3. Ask about salary in the first time meeting. 4. Say loudly and flip the fingers in restaurant to call waiters. 5. Eat dog meat
OUTLINE II-CONTENT III-ENDING I- INTRODUCTION GAME 1: Nice Number Analyzing Video GAME 2: Big Wheel Concluding Canada ROLE PLAY