Welcome to Millfield First and Nursery School


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Millfield First and Nursery School Meeting for Parents of New Nursery Pupils

Paperwork Please remember to bring back all paperwork by the deadline. Please bring back the UNIQUE CHILD BOOKLET to the transition day if you haven’t already.

Our Day AM nursery 8.45 - 11.45 PM nursery 12.15 – 3.15 Busy Fingers Hello time - topic songs & rhymes/phonics Small Focused Activity Snack – a free piece of fruit or veg is provided Child Initiated Learning (indoor & outdoor) Story and Goodbye

Personal, social and emotional development. The Curriculum In the Foundation stage there are 3 prime areas: Personal, social and emotional development. Communication and Language. Physical development. These three areas reflect the those used in healthy development reviews by health visitors when children reach two to two-and-a-half years of age. There are then 4 ‘specific’ areas which are: Literacy. Mathematics. Understanding the World. Expressive arts and design These categories aim to reflect the holistic nature of young children’s learning and the ‘subjects’ that this learning will eventually slot into in the school curriculum, such as art, music, science, and technology

Learning journals & assessment All of our assessments are based on observations during free child initiated learning or group work taking place. We do use photos as evidence of learning and we do need you to sign the permission form. Assessments are either in the form of an online Learning Journal or a Journal that is kept in class. The Online Learning Journal will be emailed to you at regular intervals. You are free to view their in class learning journal at any time. Assessments are based on the knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes that should develop in the Foundation Stage and these can be found in the early years foundation stage curriculum (EYFS). Assessment is not a test but an evaluation of their attainment and for us to know where and how to move them to their next steps

Topic Our teaching and learning stems from the interests of the children and areas that they want to investigate further. However each term we do have an intended topic which is then divided into sub topics. We endeavour to provide opportunities and activities that reflect the discussions and further the interests of the children within this topic. Examples of topics are – Ourselves, Our Planet. Help or expertise from our parents is always welcomed.

Behaviour Our ethos is ‘working together to meet the needs of all our children’ We are a community and seek to foster this feeling We actively seek your support with our behaviour expectations We always seek to praise and foster good behaviour We do this by classroom rewards:- Stickers for Stars Marbles in the jar Nursery teddy

Uniform School uniform is practical. Messy play and outdoor play is encouraged – it can get muddy! Jogging bottoms can be worn rather than conventional trousers PE is once a week please provide T-shirt and shorts. Plimsolls for summer. It is not necessary to have trainers and joggers. Always have a pair of wellies in school Please NAME EVERYTHING!

Links and transitions There are close links between the Nursery and Little Stars with lunch club and shared staff which aids transition. Links between am and pm nursery are built up throughout the year with shared assemblies and sports day. The last day of every term will require the afternoon children to attend the morning nursery session in order to facilitate this. Links with Reception culminate in transition visits in June. A free piece of fruit or vegetable will be provided everyday at snack time with a drink of milk or water

First Aid Our staff have regular basic First Aid training and one member of EYFS staff has undertaken specific Paediatric First Aid training. If your child has a bump they will be treated and the incident will be recorded. If the accident is a head injury or more serious injury a letter will be sent home If we are worried we will contact you. If your child has allergies please let us know on the data form you are asked to fill in.

Sickness If your child is unwell please ring the school office to tell us. Don’t send your child to school if they have been vomiting or have a temperature. If you wish to take your child out of school you must make this request in writing to the Headteacher.

Child protection/Safeguarding All staff in school are fully trained in child protection and safeguarding children. The designated person at Millfield to report any concerns is Mrs Willett. The deputy is Mrs Wagstaff

Home / School Links Things you can do to prepare your child for Nursery: Cutting, sticking and sharing books are all good preparation for Nursery Teaching them to dress themselves Put on their own shoes – recommend Velcro! Be punctual for Nursery Try to make your departure as calm and quick as possible. We are a open door policy please feel free to come in and talk to us at any time (preferably at the end of the session). We have regular consultation meetings to keep you informed. Help in the Nursery is always welcome. We welcome you to join the PTA and support their activities.

Wrap Around Care Little Stars wraparound care runs from 8.00-5.15 and offers a variety of sessions including breakfast club and fun club after school. Please talk to Mrs Pamment, Mrs Pattman or Mrs Gerring if you have not already booked any wraparound care sessions that you may require for September.