2. Chronology of the Bible b. Patriarchal History God’s Story 2. Chronology of the Bible b. Patriarchal History
Patriarchal Era: Genesis 12-50 Genesis, < ? >, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Patriarchal Era: Genesis 12-50
Significance of the Torah the departure point for the rest of scripture.
Significance of the Torah the departure point for the rest of scripture. it Points to Christ (Luke 24:27, 44)
The other man among the Patriarchs…Job (ca 1950BC) A real man (Ezek 14:14, Jas 5:11) A real place (Job 1:1, Gen 10:23)
The other man among the Patriarchs…Job (ca 1950BC) Life Span (42:16) Wealth (42:12) Nations (1:15,17) Terms (42:11, Gen 33:19) Culture (42:15, Num 27:8) Contemporary literature… etc
The Exodus – A real account? The Date
The Exodus – A real account? The Date (1 Kings 6:1) The Pharaoh (Ex 1:6-14) Amenhotep II The Dream Stele
The Bible is an accurate historical record 1 Corinthians 10:6-11