Thinking about GIS applications and your projects
Today Introductions Course web site resources and logistics Lessons from the tutorial GIS application areas based on your field of interest Project topics assignment Literature search tips and hands-on
Introductions Name General area of interest
Course web site resources
Student work zone How to create your own workspace and post assignments
ArcGIS Basics tutorial What to turn in next Tuesday…a map with: Title Main map Inset locator map Legend Scale North Arrow Your name and date
Lessons from the tutorial Data comes from different sources at different scales May be free or not, may be advertised or not, may be private, shared or not shared… Examples you know about?
Lessons from the tutorial Start thinking about data you might need: Scale / resolution Attribute information Geographic extent Likely source
Lessons from the tutorial Tabular data (e.g., Excel, Access, PDF tables) can be mapped if they have a geographic identifier (a “geocode”) Country name or abbreviation Province City Latitude / longitude coordinates Census codes
Country code example
Census code example - Kolkata
PDF example – North Korea census
Latitude / Longitude example – Tsunami historical data
Lessons from the tutorial Data management Folder structure Maintaining enough file space – get rid of old files There’s are tip sheets for:tip sheets data management data management Connecting to a personal GIS space (H:)personal GIS space (H:)
GIS applications of interest to you What have you found or heard about? Issues or questions addressed? Types of data? Did they have to create new data? Primarily mapping or more advanced analysis?
Literature Search Tips Google Scholar for an initial pass “Get this item at Tufts” Tufts Library databases Peer-reviewed articles Citations References
Literature Search Tips Search terms to add to your interest list: GIS (confusion with GIs) “Geographic information” Spatial Geographic Review or Meta-analysis or Lessons (to find articles that are reviews of “what we know” Set time period as needed (e.g., 2005 or later)
Literature Search Tips – Analysis Terms Suitability Siting Site suitability Pattern Cluster Vulnerability Proximity Prioritize Accessibility or access
Literature Search Tips Region / country of interest But don’t use first – by being geographically broad you may find good examples from other regions
Other search terms – more specific Human security Crisis Livelihood Conflict Health Infrastructure
Other search terms – more specific International Environment and Resources Trans-boundary Land use Land conversion Climate Energy Water Forest Agriculture
Other search terms – more specific Development economics Poverty Development Rural Urban Growth Agriculture Livelihood Econometric
Other search terms – more specific International Security Sectarian Ethnic Religious Conflict Humanitarian Relief Peace Intelligence
Hands on – quick literature search Test out terms / databases and see what you find Report back – useful terms, approaches, databases
What to look for in articles Data Methods Limitations References / Citations Contact information