Goal : Develop a software that converts arm movements into messages ‘17 Fall CS2310 Project - Milestone1 WEONJI CHOI (LUCIA) Raw Sensor Data Compass Accelerometer Gyroscope Goal : Develop a software that converts arm movements into messages Is the input gesture on the library? Noise Filter & Gesture Analysis Gesture Library Show corresponding message to the user Yes No Punch Raise hand Draw circle Draw trigagle … It was my first milestone. After this Recommend REDO to the user Device : Galaxy Gear S3 OS : Tizen Sensors : GPS, NFC, Heart Rate, Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Ambient Light
Supported Sensors Check ‘17 Fall CS2310 Project – Milestone2 WEONJI CHOI (LUCIA) Supported Sensors Check Accelerometer Heart Rate Monitor Sensor Proximity Sensor Geomagnetic Rotation Vector Sensor Humidity Sensor Rotation Vector Sensor Gravity Sensor Light Sensor Significant Motion Sensor Gyroscope Linear Acceleration Sensor Sleep Monitor Gyroscope Rotation Vector Sensor Magnetic Sensor Temperature Sensor Heart Rate Monitor LED Green Sensor Orientation Sensor Ultraviolet Sensor Heart Rate Monitor LED IR Sensor Pedometer Uncalibrated Gyroscope Heart Rate Monitor LED Red Sensor Pressure Sensor Uncalibrated Magnetic Sensor First, using SENSOR API of tizen-studio, I checked what kind of functionality my watch can support. As a result, among the 24 different sensors, Samsung gear s3 supports 10, and there are 6 sensors related to the gesture capture, colored in blue. There are some sensors working similarly, like Accelerometer and Linear Acceleration sensor, so I need to decide which one would be better to interpret user’s gestures.
‘17 Fall CS2310 Project – Milestone2 WEONJI CHOI (LUCIA) Get Sensor data And I made an application that reads and transmits sensor data.
‘17 Fall CS2310 Project – Milestone2 WEONJI CHOI (LUCIA) Test using emulator I tested my basic application using emulator provided by tizen studio, After that I launched the application on real smartwatch and tested it.
‘17 Fall CS2310 Project – Milestone2 WEONJI CHOI (LUCIA) Test using real device
‘17 Fall CS2310 Project – Milestone2 WEONJI CHOI (LUCIA) Next Stages What kind of sensors can read human arm’s movement most appropriately? What kind of existing or new gesture library can be used? Build a user interface to show results to the user. These are my next steps. I need to decide