Welcome to Year One Family Maths Session The children will register in class and then will come and join you. Do feel free to sit, on the mats, benches or chairs, with a group of children. We hope you find the session helpful in showing you how we teach Maths in Key Stage One.
Beadstring Count in… 2 5 10
Place Value Arrow cards Can you make… thirteen eighteen twenty one thirty four fifty six
Whiteboards Complete these calculations 7+3= 9+5= 12+31= 21 + 33 =
Adults… If you can stay for a couple of moments could you please help by stacking the chairs and placing them at the back of the hall. If you could help put the mats in the trolley. We will take children back to class and open the curtains so that they can wave goodbye!!! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH. We loved having you xxxxxx