The UK’s auto enrolment pension legislation has created a golden opportunity Compulsory Enrolment 30% now staged 70% staging by April 2018 Every single employer in the UK must provide a workplace pension by April 2018, or face penalties To date under 1/3 of employers have “staged” - over 1 million employers will be required to select a scheme over the next 12 months Staging Date Employers (000s) Many of the 1mn+ companies still to “stage” are SMEs or smaller – the “sweet spot” that Smart Pension was designed for Contribution Rates Both employer and employee contribute – currently 2% of earnings, rising to 8% by 2019, and expected to increase further in coming years – possibly to 10% - 15% 10m people will be saving more by 2018, generating an extra £17bn a year in workplace pension assets
Within 2 years of start-up, Smart Pension has become a market leader in providing UK SMEs with workplace pensions WHAT WE DO We help employers comply with regulations that require all businesses to offer workplace pensions by mid-2018. We do it faster and better than anyone else. Smart Pension guarantees to accept every employer and employee – ensuring the market will support the Government’s landmark pension reforms. HOW WE DO IT Our purpose-built, state-of-the-art platform allows employers to quickly and easily create and manage pension schemes for their workforces. Our service is free for employers and their advisers, with our income earned from a 0.75% pa fee on assets under management. No hidden fees. WHAT WE’VE ACHIEVED Since May 2015 we have signed up almost 40,000 employers and we are approaching 200,000 employees, and this is growing quickly. We will have well over 70,000 employers and 500,000 employees on board by the time UK auto enrolment matures in mid-2018. We will continue to grow our market share, further monetise our UK customer base with new products, and roll out our recurring profit model internationally. WHAT’S NEXT
Governments everywhere are looking at auto enrolment solutions to tackle population ageing and fiscal pressures “ By 2050 the share of the world’s population over age 65 will have doubled from 10% to 20% ” - World Bank, 2016 Less than 25% of the world’s population is saving for old age % of Population Income Group Proportion of the population aged 60+ will increase substantially in almost every part of the world Governments will need to spend much more on elderly care unless retirement saving is significantly increased