Behavior Management in Nonclassroom Settings Sugai & Colvin, 1996
Activity Staff Survey-Non Classroom SET
Purpose To review critical features & essential practices of behavior management in nonclassroom settings.
Examples An elementary school principal found that over 45% of their behavioral incident reports were coming from the playground.
High school assistant principal reports that over 2/3 of behavior incident reports come from “four corners.”
A middle school secretary reported that she was getting at least one neighborhood complaint daily about student behavior on & off school grounds.
An high school nurse lamented that “too many students were asking to use her restroom” during class transitions.
NONCLASSROOM SETTINGS Particular times or places where supervision is emphasized Cafeteria Hallways Playgrounds Buses & bus loading zones Bathrooms Parking lots Assemblies Sporting events, dances
10 minute activity Pick a problematic nonclassroom setting Identify features of problem Identify possible solutions Report one example
Classroom v. Nonclassroom Teacher directed Instructionally focused Small # of predictable students Nonclassroom Student focused Social focus Large # of unpredictable students
MANAGEMENT FEATURES Physical/environmental arrangements Routines & expectations Staff behavior Student behavior
BASIC MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Active supervision Movement Scanning Interact Precorrections Positive reinforcement of expected behavior
SYSTEMS FEATURES School-wide implementation All staff Direct teaching 1st day/week Regular review, practice, & positive reinforcement Team-based identification, implementation, & evaluation Data-based decision making
The Power Of Teaching “If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to swim, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to multiply, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to drive, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to behave, we … … teach? …punish?” Why can’t we finish the last sentence as automatically as we do the others?
Why does everyone need to be involved? Staff outnumbered in too many settings Goal to achieve generalized responding of appropriate behavior Adult presence is deterrent
CL Example
7 minute activity Pick another problematic nonclassroom setting Identify features of problem Identify possible solutions Revisit solution w/r to active supervision