God’s Care Through Me “Faith Feeds a Family” I Kings 17:10-16 Elijah Series #2 August 28, 2011
The Big Idea (Main Thought of the Sermon) Let God lead you in your lives. When you let Him lead, He will care for others through you. He will:
1. He will take you to improbable places. Zarephath was: Out of the way Enemy territory (Jezebel’s home) A Heathen Environment I Kgs 18:10 and Luke 4:25 Don’t question God’s leading and don’t blame Him for your own navigating. He has hand-picked the place He wants you to be. “He leadeth me in paths of righteousness for HIS NAME’S SAKE!”
2. He will put you in impossible situations. The widow was poor (broke), hungry, incapable of helping Elijah who came with an unacceptable and unbelievable message. You may be in the place of human impossibility: No friends No job or not the one you wanted Sick Did the work for a class, but didn’t get the grade! Didn’t get a spot on the team You are in the place of Divine possibility!
Impossible Situations??????? The devil says you can’t, but God says you can do all things… The devil says no one cares, but God says, “Cast all your cares upon Him for HE careth for you.” The devil says that it is impossible, but God says, “with ME all things are possible.” You cannot break God’s promises by leaning on them.
3. He will let you see the incredible happen. The widow had to believe God. When she did, God did what He said He would do. Through Elijah’s willing and bold obedience God blessed. It is incredible that God does do what He says He will do. Those who are dead in sins can be made alive. Those who are bound by sin can be loosed. Those who are wandering can be found and guided.
You gave your heart to Him and He saved you. You told someone about Christ, and they trusted Him. You gave your week to Him and He blessed it. God worked through you to bless others.
God did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Remember that when you are going to your cozy Sunday School class, but a stranger is standing in the hallway, waiting for you to guide them – to invest in them. The religious crowd of Luke 4 was not open ad ready, but some common folk like the SyroPhonecian woman would respond and believe.
Faith is the key on our side of the door of opportunity and service. Sovereignty is the code on His side of the same door. Not my will, Thine be done!
Elijah’s Story 1st Verse Learn, learn Elijah’s Story Watch him serve the Lord. He feared not the sword. Boldly he spoke to Ahab, Turned and walked away. We learned Elijah’s Story Stand for God today.
Elijah’s Story 2nd Verse Learn, learn Elijah’s Story Bird food from the sky. Cherith did run dry. Even then the Lord sustained him With the widow’s food. We learned Elijah’s Story God is good.