9th Annual Expeditionary Warfare Conference Protection of the SEA BASE RDML Bill Landay Program Executive Officer PEO Littoral and Mine Warfare Bill.Landay@navy.mil
Transition to Advanced Land Base Protection of the Sea Base Sea Base Concept Force Objectives U.S.A. Advanced Land Base Transition to Advanced Land Base Force Projection Sea Base Protection of the Sea Base 2
Establishing the Sea Base Force Objectives Transition to Advanced Land Base U.S.A. Advanced Land Base Force Projection Sea Base ADS/SURTASS LCS MM ASW LCS MM MIW RMS (DDG) Dedicated MCM UUVs 3
Establishing the Sea Base Mine Sweepers Remote Minehunting System with AQS-20 VTUAV with COBRA Laser Detection System RAMICS Rapid Airborne Mine Clearance System OASIS Organic Airborne and Surface Influence Sweep AMNS Airborne Mine Neutralization System AN/AQS-20A Sonar Mine Detecting Set ALMDS Airborne Laser Mine Detecting Set 4
Transition to Advanced Land Base SEA BASE Protection Force Objectives U.S.A. Advanced Land Base Transition to Advanced Land Base < Force Projection Sea Base ADS SURTASS LCS MM ASW LCS MM MIW LCS MM SUW AT/FP Dedicated MCM RMS (DDG) USV UUV EOD 5
LFA Active Source/Receiver, SEA BASE Protection SECVOX, OTCIXS, TRE/TRAP UHF FLTSATCOM SHF DSCS Acoustic Data SECVOX, C2/AUTODIN MPA Shore Facility Strike Group LCS ADS Vessel of Interest SURTASS FDS LFA SOSUS Acronyms Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS) Fixed Distributed Systems (FDS) Advanced Deployable System (ADS) Surveillance Towed Array System (SURTASS) Sonar Technician, Surface (STG) Sonar Technician, Submarine (STS) Anti-submarine Warfare Operator (AW) Target Bistatic & Acoustic Comms Receiver Tactical Bistatic Receiver LFA Active Source/Receiver, Acoustic Comms 6
Transition to Advanced Land Base Force Projection Force Objectives Force Projection U.S.A. Advanced Land Base Transition to Advanced Land Base < Sea Base ADS SURTASS Dedicated MCM VSW MCM LCS MM ASW LCS MM MIW LCS MM SUW RMS (DDG) COBRA UUV USV NSW EOD 7
Force Projection Standardize titles and formats for slides in this section Title: ISR UUV Capability? 8
Technology to Support Protection of the SEA BASE Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles Energy Common Control/Networked Information Exchange Payloads/Modularity Sensors Intelligent Behavior Weaponization Super-Cavitating Projectiles Blue-Green laser Mine Detection Synthetic Aperture Sonar Super Conduction for Magnetic Mine Detection HF Wideband Sonar LF Broadband Sonar Speed Independent Acoustic Sensors Multi-Spectral Imagery Un-Tethered Expendable Mine Neutralization Systems Integrated Detection and Engagement Systems Electro-Optic ID Multi-Sonar Underwater Vehicle Unmanned Combat Capable Platforms 9