Bio-inspired crowd evasion behavior Sang Woo Lee
Content Project Outline Motivation Bio-inspired approaches Sociology theory To-do list Content
Project Outline Objective Method Outline Simulating plausible crowd evasion behavior pattern Method Outline Adapt biological model Integrate sociology theory Evaluate with real human data Project Outline
Motivation Many crowd evasion patterns in modern society Evacuation from building Terrorist attack for crowd Riot chased by police Few crowd evasion pattern research Helbing Evacuation induced by panic Used social force model Zeeshan Suicide bomber attack Focused on damage minimization Simple simulation model Motivation
Bio-inspired approach Predator-pray in biology One of most important research for biologist Evasion is oriented from predator evasion Even human is not exception Immediate danger make no time to think In high level perspective, biology model should match human evasion behavior In emergency, individuals start pushing and physical interaction Bio-inspired approach
Bio-inspired approach Good model for fish school evasion Simulate all the observed evasion pattern Much easier to get more data and control Much easier to evaluation Bio-inspired approach
Sociology theory Sociology theory Distance danger makes people think Can react with various enviroment/communicate information Make social behavior (Grouping, communicate, influence) Social Impact Theory [Latane] Human behavior and attributes change function model Strength, immediacy, number Other theories Sociology theory
To-do list Integrate fish collective evasion behavior Integrate sociology terms for more convincing and realistic behavior Tuning with real human group evasion behavior Need real crowd data Generate realistic crowd animation Find some good evaluation method for crowd behavior Might be future work To-do list