Redmond Basketball Parent Meeting 2017
AGENDA Welcome/ Brief Introduction of Coaching Staff Goals/ Program Philosophy/ Coaching Philosophy Player, Parent, Coach Expectation Season Schedule Booster Club Information Team Bonding Saturday Website / Social Media
Coaching Staff Varsity – Todd Rubin, Scott Nelson, Nick Crossan Junior Varsity – Joe DeGrazia C Team – Stephen Culpepper
PROGRAM GOALS All student-athletes will more successfully reach their full educational, personal and basketball potential and become positive, contributing members to society as the result of participating in this program Seniors demonstrate positive servant leadership for the underclassmen and the future of the program Develop and demonstrate life long skills such as: strong work ethic, discipline, and a team-first attitude Develop life long friendships & memories Win a KingCo title, a state basketball title & academic state title
PARENT and COACH EXPECTATIONS We are ALL in this together for the benefit of the student-athletes that participate in our basketball program.
TEAM COVENANT COMPETE = Win at everything you control FAMILY = Be a great teammate ENTHUSIASM = Be passionate & have FUN “CRYSTAL BALL” “The power of we is greater than the power of me”
“Most battles are won before they are fought” PRACTICE IMPROVE, IMPROVE, IMPROVE Set players up for success Thought Structure Competitive, Enthusiastic, FUN “Most battles are won before they are fought” - Sun Tzu
Injuries and GEAR Concussion Baseline Testing All injuries please see personal trainer Student-athletes who visit a doctor for an injury must have written documentation clearing them to play. Gear – All uniforms, practice gear, warm-ups are to be returned at end of season. (Team jacket does not get returned) Spirit wear – order online via website link. Deadline for orders Monday, November 20th midnight (NO exceptions). Orders should arrive by December 5th The Nike Men's Team Elite Stripe Pant is the option that matches the RHS 2017 Team jacket. It's optional.
PLAYER EXPECTATIONS Player Contract Try to be your best at all times Expectations are high…
GAME TRANSPORTATION District will not provide transportation to varsity contests at Seattle Prep, Juanita, LW, Sammamish, Bellevue, Interlake, or Mercer Island. District will not provide transportation to JV contests at Seattle Prep, Juanita, LW, Sammamish, Interlake or Mercer Island. District will not provide transportation to C Team contests at Seattle Prep & Sammamish Holiday Tourney. Return & One Way
RHS Boys Basketball BOOSTERS Redmond Basketball Booster Club 501c3 Non-Profit Corporation, EIN #46-4039734 SOS UBI #603-342-052 PLEASE JOIN!! Please consider giving what you can. Suggested minimum donation $150 per family (online donation payment via website) Gift bag for all those joining and recognition in game programs (if donation received by November 20th) and a poster at the gym for: Green Level - $150 Gold Level - $300 Platinum Level - $500 Benevity Causes (matching program – Microsoft, others) Search for Redmond Basketball Booster Club ID 840-464039734 ($25/hour)
Booster Club Finances What does your donation go towards? Boosters fund all/partial of the following: Players team jackets Off season Basketball Coaching (fall/spring) Fall and Spring Strength/Fitness training Instructor All tournament entry fees Game taping service Spring league fees Transportation cost for Team Camp Team Building Day – activities and food Season End Banquet – event, gifts, food Season photographer - Senior/team gym banners GameDay program Insurance, Website, Accounting/IRS fees
Program Participation Volunteers needed! Scorekeepers all 3 teams - Home and Away games Game clocks for all HOME games, all 3 teams Picture Day Friday 17th Team Bonding Day - drinks/snacks Team Dinners Home Game Giveaways and ½ time Entertainment Fundraisers (Youth Camp, Mustang Open)
TEAM BUILDING DAY ALL DAY SATURDAY NOVEMBER 18th Team practice 9-11am Go home to shower, eat lunch and dress for outdoor activity. Bring change of clothes and swimsuits/towels Return to RHS gym 12:45pm RHS Boys BBall AMAZING RACE 1:15-4:15pm 5pm Dinner provided / Team meetings – RHS gym Swimming Redmond Pool 6:15-7:15pm Final Team meetings Team Entertainment PICK UP at RHS (10:30/11pm) Players will text when ready to be picked up.
WEBSITE & SOCIAL Registration Open Register your player and contact information Join the Booster Program SportsEngine App (iOS Android) Facebook @RedmondBoysBasketball Instagram @RedmondBoysBasketball Twitter @RedmBasketball Schedules Scores Live Updates Photos Videos Links KingCo Maxpreps