EQ : How does folk culture influence trends in pop culture? 11/27 *


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Presentation transcript:

EQ : How does folk culture influence trends in pop culture? 11/27 * Bell ringer: Link analysis (half sheet)

Discussion What evidence of folk culture do you see in things that are “trendy” today? (think about sports, music, fashion, beauty, etc.) Hint Hint :

Round Robin: For each card-follow the instructions on the graphic organizer

Reflection Aspects of Folk culture have become mainstream-is this positive or negative? Give one example from today’s round robin and explain why it is positive or negative to use aspects of folk culture in pop culture

EQ 7: What is Cultural Appropriation and how is it related to pop/folk culture? 11/28 and 11/29*

Bell Ringer 1. Are these Halloween costumes offensive. Why/why not. 2 Bell Ringer 1. Are these Halloween costumes offensive? Why/why not? 2. Are some more offensive than others? Why/why not?

Agree/disagree Getting henna at Great America is disrespectful to the original meaning and culture

Agree/Disagree Kylie Jenner received a lot of criticism for wearing corn rows in her hair This criticism is ridiculous because she is just showing that it is a cool hairstyle and brings positive attention to African American culture

Agree/Disagree There was a great deal of outrage over the Cleveland Indian Mascot during the World series. This outrage was warranted because the mascot is demeaning to the Native American culture

Cultural Appropriation Cultural appropriation is the adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of a different culture Typically involves members of a dominant group exploiting the culture of less privileged groups – often with little understanding of the latter’s history, experience and traditions. Often times seen as negative phenomenon

Video During the video write down the reasoning for seeing cultural appropriation as harmful, disrespectful or negative

Discussion What are your opinions of the video? What stuck out? Agree/disagree? What questions do you have?

Homework Read and annotate article

Same EQ/Bell Ringer 11/29 What is the author’s purpose in writing the article? ( what is their opinion about cultural appropriation?). Write it in your notes from yesterday Star a piece of evidence to support the author’s point of view ****If you did not read the article you are reading it now

In reading groups Agree on a sentence for author’s purpose and a strong piece of evidence Fill in the graphic organizer for your article Write your evidence on the board

Teach the class!

Reflection Which article did you agree with the most and why?

****Can put BR and notes on back of gallery walk template EQ 8: Should Native American mascots be used by professional sports teams? 12/1 ****Can put BR and notes on back of gallery walk template

Bell ringer: Analyze these images Bell ringer: Analyze these images. Are these mascots offensive to Native Americans or do they honor Native Americans? Explain why. Are some more offensive than others? Why or why not?

MSNBC video Create this chart in your notes Evidence for the use of Native American mascots Evidence against the use of Native American mascots Need 1 Need 2 http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=9671624

Gallery Walk Use your graphic organizer to analyze two political cartoons addressing this issue.

Wrap-up In your binders, respond to this question: Think about the video clip and the political cartoons we analyzed. What do you think? Should the NFL force the Washington Redskins to change their name? Why/why not? Use specific evidence and explain it. Discussion.

Homework Socratic Seminar Prep sheet

Socratic Seminar 12/1 Study for test Tuesday