DAVID MOURNS THE DEATH OF SAUL AND JONATHAN Youth Search the Scriptures Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Canada
The Paradox of a God-fearing life Saul, David’s arch-enemy is dead! Jonathan: The only alternative to David is dead All the house of Saul have perished Contrary to human reasoning: DAVID WEPT If you were David, what would your reaction be?
the memory verse for our last study? Main Text 2Samuel 1:17 2Samuel 1:1-27 Can someone recite the memory verse for our last study?
DAVID’S JUDGEMENT ON THE LIER The Amalekite said he killed Saul If this is true then, it puts a question mark on the accuracy of the Bible accounts in 1Samuel 31:1-4. What is the truth about this story?
The Amalekite lied… Saul would not have asked an Amalekite to kill him based on 1Samuel 31:4 All other Bible stories about the death of Saul and Jonathan does not agree with the story told by the Amalekite (1 Chronicles 10:1-6)
Accomplices of the sin of lying Proverbs 6:16-19; 10:19; 11:9,13; 20:19; Revelation 21: 27 Character assassination Talebearing Hatred Unkind remarks Flattery Insincerity / Hypocrisy Gossiping Backbiting Slander Misrepresentation False-witnessing Talkativeness
Why do some youths tell lies today? To get undue favour To please people To avoid punishment To gain promotion
What are the consequences of telling lies? Disgrace (Proverbs 18:13) Division (Proverbs 6:19) Destruction (Acts 5:1-3 ) Death (2 Samuel 1:15) Damnation (Revelation 21:8)
What do we learn from David’s displeasure on the action of the Amalekite? David punished the Amalekite for saying he touched the anointed of the Lord Therefore Christian youths must be very careful not to touch others, especially the leaders through their: Speech or Actions (1Chron.16:22; Psalm 105:15)
David’s reaction to the death of Saul and Jonathan He spoke well of Saul without making any reference to the personal problems that had existed between them (v.17-19) He focused on the good side of Saul by drawing attention to the pleasant relationship between him and Jonathan (v.23, 26-27) We should not delight in spreading news of the calamity that befall those who treat us with disdain (v.20-22)
Lessons from David’s lamentation We are to share both the joy and the pains of our brothers and sisters in the Lord. We must not poison the minds of others with negative stories of what happened between us and someone else We are to show serious concern for those who lose something in the cause of doing service in God’s kingdom. We must not rejoice when those who treated us badly falls or fails
He provided a lasting solution One key Lesson David analyzed the cause of Israelites defeat… He provided a lasting solution 2 Samuel 1:18
Questions? What do some young boys and girls do to get undue favour? What does God’s word say about pleasing men to get advantage? What should be our attitude to those who seek advantage through deceit? What is our responsibility to God’s children who suffer some losses or have some gains? Mention commendable attitude of David when heard about Saul’s death. What can we learn from the reaction of David to the news of Saul’s death?
References for Images used on cover slides and slides 4 and 11 https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=AtHASkYu&id=CC76423F43796E7BB17D71882F4F01FF54 D3F77B&thid=OIP.AtHASkYu9eAbQAHYiu4m3wEsCz&q=david+mourns+the+death+of+saul+and+jonathan&simid=60 8039458335819508&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-5xqlPaVaFbI/Tey2NUlph0I/AAAAAAAAAP0/cRg5MKMsON0/s400/MUERTE+SE+SAUL.jpg https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=uBXkulyL&id=CBA2E3E7EF6B814A9E150D4AFC4EBD5E61 B732C5&thid=OIP.uBXkulyL4coRVUfXaJKhjQEsDh&q=david+mourns+the+death+of+saul+and+jonathan&simid=60801 0106479381142&selectedindex=16&mode=overlay&first=1 https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=TyYm5nU0&id=16330F2265F815EE8BBF9EF3BD4ED766F81 CA533&thid=OIP.TyYm5nU04vha0Uy- Ssh2oAEsDh&q=david+mourns+the+death+of+saul+and+jonathan&simid=608052012495601885&selectedindex=8&m ode=overlay&first=1 https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=ZE9A0AG4&id=4DFA1A2AA3F07A55B4E48697CEAB0B26 4159D7D4&thid=OIP.ZE9A0AG41xsf7S67D0WOIgEsDP&q=david+mourns+the+death+of+saul+and+jonathan&simid=6 08024507531002086&selectedindex=12&mode=overlay&first=1