Dr. Shiyong Lu shiyong@cs.wayne.edu Wayne State Univesrity Course Introduction Dr. Shiyong Lu shiyong@cs.wayne.edu Wayne State Univesrity
About the Instructor Dr. Shiyong Lu Advising students Teaching database classes Research on scientific workflows Dr. Shiyong Lu http://www.cs.wayne.edu/~shiyong/
CSC7710:Database Management System II Time: 4:30-5:50PM TuTh Place: State Hall 318 Webpage: http://www.cs.wayne.edu/~shiyong/csc7710/csc7710.html
What is this course about? Transaction processing (ACID) Concurrency control Locking & logging Distributed databases and transactions
Goal of the course Knowledge of transaction processing, concurrency control, and distributed databases Apply the knowledge to collaborative editing of scientific workflows.
Prerequisite CSC6710 Or with the permission of the instructor Java, JDBC and SQL programming
Instructor’s office hours Shiyong Lu (shiyong@wayne.edu) Office: 3006 Maccabees bldg Telephone: 577-1667 Office hours: Tu, Th 11-12PM or by appointment.
TA office hours None Office: TBA Telephone: TBA Office hours: TBA.
Course load and grading (45 %) 3 Assignments, 15% each. (40 %) One course project, two parts, graded together in the end. (15 %) Final exam.
Late work penalty You can have one late assignment submission up to one week without any penalty. Please email me in advance when you need to use your execuse. If late excuse is not used, a penalty of 2 % per day will be assessed up to one week. No credits will be given for works handed in one week after the due date. The late excuse cannot be used for the final project.
Academic honesty Copying an assignment from another student in this class or obtaining a solution from some other source will lead to an automatic failure for this course and to a disciplinary action. Allowing another student to copy one's work will be treated as an act of academic dishonesty, leading to the same penalty as copying.
Assignment 1 Install Ubuntu http://www.ubuntu.com/ Learn Linux commands: https://sites.google.com/site/swfwiki/ Install mysql: http://www.mysql.com/ Install Apache Tomcat: http://tomcat.apache.org/ Write a Web-based application that uses HTML, Javascript, Java, and mysql.