Goldilocks and the Three Bears
c Higher Order Thinking Skills David McNulty
I can remember facts about the information. ? Who was Goldilocks? Where did Goldilocks live? What did her mum tell her not to do? Remembering
I can explain the ideas in the information. ? What was the story about? What did Goldilocks do first when she went into the house? Why didn’t Goldilocks’ mum want her to go into the forest? Understanding
I can use the information in a new way. ? Why did Goldilocks go into the little house? Can you show how Goldilocks sat in the chairs to eat the porridge? How do you know which porridge Goldilocks liked best? Applying
I can break down the information to understand it better. ? How did Baby Bear feel? Why do you think that? What might have happened if Goldilocks had not fallen asleep? Why do you think the bears went upstairs? Analysing
I can say what I think about the information and back up my opinion. ? Would you have gone into the bear’s house? Why were the bears angry with Goldilocks? Why was Goldilocks happy to go home? Evaluating
I can use the information to build new ideas. ? What would have happened if Goldilocks had a friend with her? What other ending could there have been to the story? What could we do to help Goldilocks find her way the next time she went into the woods? Creating