Exploitation of ISS Scientific data - sustainability Cooperative ISS Research data Conservation and Exploitation Exploitation of ISS Scientific data - sustainability EGI-Aparsen Workshop March 4-6 2014 Science Park– Amsterdam – The Netherlands
European experiments in space ELIPS achievements (i.e. ELIPS-1/-2/-3, 2002-2012 period) - #investigations (total): Ground-based facilities: ~ 100 Parabolic flights: ~ 500 Sounding rockets: ~60 Retrievable capsules: ~85 ISS: ~230 ELIPS-4 near-term projections (2013-2016 period) - #investigations (per annum): Ground-based facilities: 25 to 35 Parabolic flights: 20 to 35 Sounding rockets: up to 5 ISS: 35 to 45 Mean costs (2013-2016 period): ISS operations: ~100 M€/year ELIPS-4: ~50 M€/year Source: ESA HSO March 4-6 2014 EGI-Aparsen Workshop Courtesy of ESA
Concept ISS data e-infrastructure core services: Data & knowledge collection processing of raw data and creation of exploitable data files in standard format creation of metadata validation of the data files and contents Provision of easy-to-use tools for: contents (metadata) navigation, querying, browsing, requesting data, in compliance with the applicable data policy Data management processes for data preservation user accounting and requests accounting of preserved contents accounting of utilization of preserved contents and the assignment of related credits Data and contents preservation (TBD) March 4-6 2014 EGI-Aparsen Workshop 3
Concept Possible federated services with other infrastructures: Authentication and Accounting common ID of European researchers single login Data preservation archive and preservation of exploitable datasets, in compliance with restricted access requirements (TBD) assignment of unique ID for digital resources tools for data preservation and verification Open Access provision of bibliometric reports monitoring publications for credits assignment verification HPC provision of HPC capabilities upon user request repositories of software for simulation and data analysis ESFRI and domain-specific infrastructures datasets standard ontologies tools for data processing, analysis and visualization March 4-6 2014 EGI-Aparsen Workshop 4
Concept Raw data ESA ISS Ground Segment Documents Exploitable data Knowledge Base Platform Front end HPC Infra. AA Governance metadata users ID privileges metadata digital ID HPC services data requests data authorizations accounting reporting Ingestion & validation layer Expert team USOC n USOC 1 Open Access link to pubs biblio reporting March 4-6 2014 EGI-Aparsen Workshop 5
Sustainability approach General considerations Operative costs are expected to be minimized through federating with other service-providing infrastructures Costs related to content generation are expected to be reduced engaging the communities into the game in the medium-long term (3-5 years, TBC) Two phases approach Phase I Starting from scratch, aimed at achieving the “critical mass” of information, data and use cases needed to engage the communities Phase II scientist-driven content upgrade, coordinated and validated by the infrastructure utilization for scientific and industrial purposes March 4-6 2014 EGI-Aparsen Workshop 6
Main costs Site: existing national and international assets must be exploited relatively small size of the contents to be preserved no dedicated site (and cost) seems necessary at the moment System maintenance & operations: skills and efforts archive management archive operation and update H/W and S/W update connectivity Governance: a board of data owners (space agencies and scientists) is foreseen to evaluate data access requests maintain/upgrade data policy account for preserved contents account for content utilization board members costs is not quoted (being an institutional activity) secretary support is provided by the infrastructure March 4-6 2014 EGI-Aparsen Workshop 7
Main costs Management: internal monitoring and coordination of activities interface and reporting towards stakeholders, including other RIs Interface toward users ensure proper performance of the infrastructure Contents update and upgrade: processing raw data (telemetry) to produce exploitable datasets extracting information from source documents for instruments science operations creating metadata (populating the current schemas and ontology), assigning ID and creating links with other resources updating datasets and metadata according to validation requirements delivery of datasets and metadata to the archives collecting input and recommendations for schemas and ontology update March 4-6 2014 EGI-Aparsen Workshop 8
ISS data infrastructure operational costs (preliminary, not including external services) SERVICE DESCRIPTION COST (K€/year) Site Included in the overhead Content update/upgrade Expert team 1.000 Content preservation Archiving, technology update and connectivity 285 Governance Data policy implementation and update 75 Management & user front-end 140 TOTAL 1.500 March 4-6 2014 EGI-Aparsen Workshop 9
ISS data infrastructure operational costs (preliminary, not including external services) RESOURCE DESCRIPTION COST (K€/year) Personnel 2 persons for coordination & management skills, 1 expert for archive operation 435 Content provision Expert team 1.000 External provisions Connectivity; maintenance and upgrade of software and hardware 65 TOTAL 1.500 March 4-6 2014 EGI-Aparsen Workshop 10