Main Task: Best camerawork evaluation.
1/5 Best Still Shots I have chose this still image as it shows a unusual yet skillful camera angle and effect. The camera angle in this still is on the lowest possible point: this shows one of the large variety of camera angles we used. The image shows one of the main characters on the floor and focuses on her face and hand. This in-particular clip is the first clip of the character that the audience had seen: therefore we thought it was very important to make her and the clip look interesting and intriguing. We decided to start the film at unusual point of the story: we started at the end (as this was where the most intriguing elements happen) to capture the audiences attention then used a title to refer back in time The edit on the clip was names ‘Glow’ we used this edit because it set focus onto Kayla: the effect also was specifically chosen as we thought it made it obvious that the character was having a flash back and the effect shows her disorientated state of mind.
2/5 Best Still Shots I have chosen this picture because I think it is a good clip and plus it is a clip of both protagonists together. The clip is medium long shot and is positioned at a distance behind Kayla: the purpose of this is to show Kelly’s face and body, it portrays him in this thug-like image as he dressed in dark clothing and hooded. However it still shows Kayla’s body and it portrays her body language as uncomfortable this implies she is nervous which could insulate that there is a hidden agenda. The clip was edited in colour corrector and the purpose of this was to give it the look of a CCTV camera: we also added small fronted text in the corner to give this look too.
3/5 Best Still Shots This still shot is one of our best as it shows one of the main characters: the shot is edited in colour corrector to darken the tone. The purpose of this edit is to make Kelly look mysterious and portray him as menacing. The shot is a medium close up so the viewer can see his face as well as the top part of his body: this is key as this facial expressions are highly important in this shot as it is explicit that he is quite angry which helps the viewer understand his feelings and the storyline. The shot also is in a medium close up so the viewer can see his costume, we had specifically dressed him in dark, dull and urban clothes so the audience can get a good idea of his character and age and the persona we are trying to create of him.
4/5 Best Still Shots This still shot of Kayla was taken from the middle of the film: the middle of the film is where the two characters meet. This medium close up shows her face this is important as it shows her emotion and this shot type makes it is clear to see what her emotion is, you can see that she looked worried and anxious this helps the audience establish who is in danger and who is the dominant character: this image contrasts to the previous still image(shown in slide 4) .
5/5 Best Still Shots I have chosen this still image as it shows the characters in a violent encounter, this is important as this is the main scene and where most of the action happens and this particular image really captures that action. The still shot is positioned behind the male character purposely so the audience can see what the male character is doing as well as being able to see the females body language and reaction. This shot is key as the viewer can see that it is in fact the male character who is attacking the female: the female character is struggling and this can been seen by her face and her hands as this shot captures her trying to restrain the male character. This scene also portrays the stereotypical conventions of males the idea of males being dominant over females: the still shot also captures the stereotypical view of teenage black males being violent and aggressive.