The Holocaust dictionary (Der holocaust Wörterbücher) Holocaust means “Whole Burning” 1938-1945 6,000,000 Jews Killed
Blitzkrieg The term “blitzkrieg” is German for lightning war. The Germans started using blitzkrieg in 1939, during World War II against their enemies. One form of a blitzkrieg tactic was an Ariel assault. The Germans used the blitzkrieg tactic against Denmark, Norway, Yugoslavia, Greece, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Poland, Great Britain, and The Soviet Union. The blitzkrieg tactic was such a good tactic that it caused Poland to fall to the Germans within days and other countries, like Denmark, Norway, Yugoslavia, Greece, France, Belgium, and The Netherlands to fall within months. Great Britain, The Soviet Union, and The United States of America continued to fight Germany and its blitzkrieg. In a nutshell, blitzkrieg basically describes all motorized force concentration of tanks, infantry, artillery, combat engineers, and airpower at high speeds to break through enemy lines. Published 1997 by Grolier Educational, Sherman Turnpike, Danbury, Connecticut ©1997 by Charles E. Smith Books, Inc
Creamatories A Creamatory is the building where they burned all of the dead bodies from the gas chambers, ditches, and other places where they killed the jews. The creamatories weren’t the only method of discarding bodies, the Nazis also stuffed the bodies into graves and hung them in the open where everybody could see it. The creamatories were often so large that they were able to burn hundreds and hundreds of bodies every single day. Like, the gas chambers, the creamatories were disguised so the inmates didn’t know what happened in there. Copyright © 2002 by Greenhaven Press, Inc. P.O. Box 289009 San Diego CA 92198-9009
Zyklon b Zyklon B is the commercial name for Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN). Zyklon B is a highly poisonous cyanic gas. It was used in the “Euthanasia Program.” The Zyklon B was delivered to the Nazi death camps in the form of pellets. As soon as the pellets were exposed to air they turned into lethal gas. Anybody who breathed in Zyklon B asphyxiated within minutes. The Zyklon B was originaly intended to be used in insecticide but was taken to the Nazi death camps instead.
Gas chambers/gas vans Gas chambers were the main source of killing Jews during the Holocaust. However, Gas vans weren’t that common. The first references of “gassings” were in Adolph Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf (My Struggle). The gas that the Nazis used to kill the Jews was called Zyklon B or Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN). The Gas chambers were disguised as bath houses so when the Jews got dirty and needed a shower the Nazis would trick them into using the gas chambers as bath houses. In September, 1941, Soviet Prisoners of war were murdered by gassings. The first use of the Gas Vans was in Kalisz in 1941. Published 1997 by Grolier Educational, Sherman Turnpike, Danbury Connecticut ©1997 by Charles E. Smith Books, Inc.
Raoul wallenberg Raoul Wallenberg was a Swedish Diplomat who saved the lives of thousands of Jews in Budapest. He grew up in his Step Father’s house because his real father died before he was born. The Swedish Foreign Ministry sent Wallenberg to Budapest in July 1944. He was sent to protect over 300,000 Jews who were left in the Hungarian Capital after deportation of 437,000 Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenaeu. Swedish Foreign Minister, Ivar Danielsson proposed giving provisional Swedish passports to Hungarian Jews who had Swedish relatives. When Wallenberg arrived in Budapest, several hundred “protective passports” had already been issued. His arrival on July 9, 1944 consided with the stoppage of the deportations. Wallenberg became the new legation attachè and was put in charge of a section created expressly for this purpose. Wallenberg’s name and reputation as a “Righteous Among the Nations” have become a legend. Anger, P. with Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest: Memories of the War Years in Hungary, New York, 1981.
gestapo Gestapo was the Secret State Police or the Political Police. The were Formed by the Nazi Party During World War II. The Leader was Heinrich Heimler who was appointed chief of the Gestapo in 1936. The Gestapo are also referred to as The German State Police. (German State Police.