Central European Node of the MP, 2010-2011 Activities International Conference „Learning from the Futures“, Olomouc, 5- 7 September 2010 Publishing conference proceedings Publishing monography „Sustainable Development“ (430 pp) Co-organization of conference „Future Images of Economic System“, Bratislava Presentation at the 4th Int. Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (I. Klinec)
2011 – 2012 Plan Co-organization of the 11th international colloquium „Designing Future of Europe“, 21-22 October 2011, Prague Organization of the conference „Tools for the Future“, November 2011, Bratislava Visit of the Research Director of the MP to Palacky University, Olomouc (November 2011) Publishing of Ivan Klinec textbook „Introduction to Futurology and Futures Studies“ (300 pages, August 2011)
Polish Sub-Node The Polish Society for Futures Studies has recently been established by the Polish Sub-Node of the MP. Principal activities: Establishment of a Futures Studies library Polish Challenges Project as part of the MP Global Challenges Promotion of new technologies and innovations developed at Polish Universities
Polish Sub-Node (cont.) Network of cooperation among Polish and foreign Futures Studies institutions Anyone who would like to contribute or participate is welcome, please contact Polish Sub-Node at www.mp.4cf.eu (Norbert Kolos and Piotr Jutkiewicz)