SUCCESS AT CSUN To be successful at CSUN, you have to plan for success.
Success Factors Responsibility & Control Competition Task Precision Expectations Wellness Time Management School Involvement Family Involvement Research on College Success Factors: Based on the College Success Factors Index, research done by Hallberg, Hallberg & Sauer (1993) –based on their research they determined 8 areas of student outcomes for success in higher education. These areas include responsibility versus control, competition, task precision, expectations, wellness, time management, college involvement, and family involvement. The goal of this exercise is to get students to discuss each of these areas in groups, to brainstorm and list ways they can increase their outcomes in each of the areas and why each factor is important to college success. After we explain the background of the success factors and what they mean, we’ll break the students up and assign each group a success factor poster. 2. First, the students will introduce themselves to each other in the groups – and basically address Why they are here at CSUN. (name, where from, and why did they come to CSUN to study their major and indicate major. (this serves as a short ice-breaker and helps set the tone of the conversation among the students about being successful – and serves as a motivator for students to quickly revisit their goals) Then, each group will brainstorm within their group and list their ideas – after this each group lists their ideas, the group will pick one leader to discuss the info from the poster - This should take about 15- 20 min. Once the activity’s done we’ll lead into our powerpoint.
Stay Informed Check your CSUN email account Check your MyNorthridge Account regularly Do a Syllabus check for all classes Know calendar deadlines & due dates Show them the Registration Calendar on the CSUN Webpage
Go to Class! Attendance is EVERYTHING! You can’t learn if you are not there Important to stay up to date with class information Missing class can affect your grade Contact your instructor if you are going to miss class Emphasize importance of going to class. Mention that missing certain amount of days will drop your grade.
Goal Setting/Time Management Set Goals Prioritize Meet deadlines and due dates Reward yourself USE TIME MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES & TOOLS Maybe share one time management tool: planner, weekly time grid
Schedule Plan
Use All Resources Faculty (office hours/emails) Advisors/Upper Division Mentors Tutoring Resources Learning Resource Center (LRC) Int’l Student Collaborative Writing Space Library Career Center Don’t wait too late to get help!! Learn how to ask for help! Handout Tutoring form/Resource form Important Links Understand how to approach your teachers
See your Advisor Schedule advisement appointment early Make sure you are on track to graduate Make sure you are taking the right classes Use degree planning tools frequently Understand your Degree Progress Report – Take advantage of Double-Counting Opportunities (a way that you can take fewer classes Don’t wait until the last minute to try to meet with an advisor or resolve issues that have a deadline
Nazarian College of Business Things You Should Know Lower Division Core Upper Division Core Major Courses Two Attempt Policy Course Substitution Know the Proper Way to Add Classes Stay in Good Standing PAY ATTENTION TO REGISTRATION PROCESS THAT GOES ALONG WITH THE REGISTRATION PERIOD GO TO COBAE WEBSITE – HOW TO USE IT AS A RESOURCE
References Hallberg, Hallberg & Sauer, (1993). The College Success Factors Index. Sierra Madre, Ca: Ombudsman Press.